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智能自动旋转餐台工厂 多功能机芯电动餐桌

智能自动旋转餐台工厂	多功能机芯电动餐桌

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智能自动旋转餐台工厂 多功能机芯电动餐桌详细说明

Clean and maintain the rattan chairs of hol furniture - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
藤椅是酒店家具中的一种,有些古典风格的酒店都是用竹藤制品来作为酒店家具的,因此学会藤椅的清洁保养工作,对酒店的家具卫生是非常有好处的。  那么具体要如何做好藤椅的清洁保养呢?
Vine chairs are a type of hol furniture, and some classical style hols use bamboo and rattan products as hol furniture. Therefore, learning to clean and maintain rattan chairs is very beneficial for the hygiene of hol furniture. So how to do a good job in cleaning and maintaining rattan chairs?
1、 Clean with war, if not possible, apply a layer of paint. Vines are ofn paind or stained, and if they are dirty, regular cleaning is necessary. However, if cleaning still does not make them as new, a method called" Wipe the surface” Alrnatively, a thin coat of paint can usually remove stains.
2、 Use a knife to remove the unpaind and dirty parts. Remove local stains and apply paint, or simply apply a full coat of paint. When removing stains, dip in a good oily pigment before applying paint. Fortunaly, repaint afr cleaning.
3、 Don't handle the damaged parts. Available for rolled and damaged paint; Wipe the surface” Method: The tools used are as described above, and sometimes liquid cleaning agents are also needed. To ensure sufficient cleaning time, a brush should be used to wipe on top,
But it cannot be scraped on the surface like painting wooden furniture. It should be tild and the tightly woven parts should be above, so that the remaining liquid will flow to the loosely woven parts and not accumula on the tightly woven parts.
4、 Apply new paint. Afr the rattan furniture is dry, the next sp is to repaint it. The spraying method is good for painting, so that all corners and dents can be paind, and then spray paind afr dyeing. Care should be taken to prevent polyurethane from solidifying into a plastic surface layer, which is hard and brittle and may cause cracks in all bent areas.
Bamboo and rattan products have become increasingly popular among merchants. Good bamboo and rattan chairs can last for n years as long as we adhere to their cleaning and mainnance, which will also add to the hol's level. The 365 Hol Supplies Network has a comple range of products and quality assurance, provi you with accura information about hol supplies. Welcome to your visit!

买智能自动旋转餐台工厂 多功能机芯电动餐桌的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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