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仿古20人旋转大理石餐台 古代圆形电动餐桌

仿古20人旋转大理石餐台	古代圆形电动餐桌

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仿古20人旋转大理石餐台 古代圆形电动餐桌详细说明

Pay atntion to the selection of furniture for imitation wood hols - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Atntion should be paid to the selection of imitation wood hol furniture: It is understood that in the current hol furniture market, wood hol furniture has become a major cagory of hol furniture products due to its advantages such as novel styles, bright colors, and clear wood grain. In addition, the product price is relatively modera, and it is increasingly favored by consumers. Experts suggest that when consumers purchase wooden hol furniture, understan and masring the chnical requirements and distinguishing the advantages and disadvantages of wooden hol furniture is an effective method for selecting and purchasing wooden hol furniture correctly.
注重表面质量  木酒店家具中的人造板道造主圣以R}1花板、中密度纤维板等人造板为基材,表面饰以三聚氰胺、PVC,木质薄木和纸质木纹等覆贴面,仿木纹形的花纹清晰自然,光滑平有着良好的视觉效果和手感。选购酒店家具时主要看家具用料表面的板材是否有戈U痕,压痕、鼓泡、脱胶起皮和胶痕迹等缺陷。
Emphasizing surface quality, the artificial board in wooden hol furniture is mainly made of R} 1 patrned board, medium density fiberboard, and other artificial boards as the substra. The surface is decorad with melamine, PVC, wooden veneer, and paper wood grain, with a clear and natural imitation wood grain patrn, which is smooth and has a good visual effect and feel. When purchasing hol furniture, the main focus is on whether there are defects such as scratches, indentations, blisrs, peeling, and glue marks on the surface of the furniture marials.
Wood hol furniture is made by sawing, decorating and sealing the formed boards, and assembling the components in the production process. The production quality of artificial cockroach grooves mainly depends on their cutting quality, edge and surface decoration quality, and board port quality. In sawing, there are quality requirements for the flatness, verticality, and angle of the board components. Generally speaking, the sawing chnology of the board meets the accuracy requirements within 0.01 millimers per mer. Afr sawing, the edge profile of the board is flat and the angle is good, and there will be no tilting of the board afr making furniture.
The edge and surface decoration mainly depends on whether the adhesive on the decorative components is evenly applied, whether the bon is firm, whether the trimming is flat and smooth, and whether the visible parts such as the side panels, door panels, drawer panels, etc. have edge sealing treatment on the end faces. The edges of the well decorad board cannot be traced for bon. The assembly combination mainly depends on whether the groove at the drilling hole is exquisi and neat, whether the connecting parts are firm afr installation, whether there is any gap between the T-shaped joint afr connecting the plane and end face, and whether there is any looseness when pushed by hand.
门、抽屉的分缝是否间隙过大,一般要求规定为1.5mm至2.Omm之间,门和抽屉的开启推拉是否灵活自如等。  注重金属件、塑料件的质量  
木酒店家具中常采用金属件、塑料件作为紧固连接件,所以金属件的质量也决定了木酒店家具内在质量的好坏。金属件要求灵巧、光滑、表面电镀处理好,不能有锈迹、毛刺等,配合件的精度要高。塑料件要造型美观,色彩鲜艳,使用中的着力部位要有力度和弹度,不能过于单薄。开启式的连接件要求转动灵活,内部装有弹簧的要松紧适当,这样家具在开启使用中就会平稳、轻松,无摩擦声。  注意主要尺寸
Check if the gap between the door and drawer joints is too large, and the general requirement is between 1.5mm and 2.0mm. Check if the opening and pulling of the door and drawer are flexible and free. Pay atntion to the quality of metal and plastic parts. Metal and plastic parts are ofn used as fasning connectors in wooden hol furniture, so the quality of metal parts also dermines the inrnal quality of wooden hol furniture. Metal parts require dexrity, smoothness, good surface electroplating treatment, no rust, burrs, etc., and the accuracy of the mating parts should be high. Plastic parts should have a beautiful appearance, bright colors, and the applied parts should have strength and elasticity during use, and should not be too thin. The opening type connector requires flexible rotation, and the inrnal spring should be approprialy tighned, so that the furniture will be stable, easy to open and use, without friction sound. Pay atntion to the main dimensions
The current market for wooden hol furniture mainly consists of comple sets of bedroom furniture and hol furniture. In addition, there are multi-functional film and levision electrical cabinets and other products. The main dimensions (i.e. functional dimensions) of its furniture are specified in national standards. If it is specified in the wardrobe that the air depth inside the wardrobe should be grear than or equal to S30-m, the distance from the top edge of the clothes hanging stick to the surface of the bottom pla should be grear than or equal to 1400mm, and the height of table furniture should be 58Qmm to 7GQmm. Among them, the middle clearance height from the bottom edge of the middle drawer of the writing desk to the ground height should be grear than or equal to Ss0mm,
书柜层间净空高应大于等于23flrnm至31  Rmm等。以上所指的主要尺寸,主要指在酒店家具选购时要注意了解,因为酒店家具如果小于规定尺寸,使用时会带来诸多不便,影响酒店家具的使用。如大衣柜空间深度过小会影响挂衣服,造成门关闭不上等现象。
The clearance height between bookcase floors should be grear than or equal to 23flrnm to 31 Rmm, etc. The main dimensions mentioned above mainly refer to the need to be aware when purchasing hol furniture, as if the hol furniture is smaller than the specified size, it will bring many inconveniences and affect the use of hol furniture. If the depth of the wardrobe space is too small, it will affect hanging clothes and cause the door to not close properly.
闻香识实木  对于广大的消费着来讲,不可能认得全部的实木木材,那就要记住以下几点:  看看木质的立茬有无成圈的纹路或弧形排列的针孔(管殉是否规则,看木质间有无分成一层层的直线或曲线,如果有这些纹路,可判斯就是人造板(木皮贴面),因为真正的实木材除花梨木,花樟木以外并没有漂亮的纹路。
For consumers, it is impossible to recognize all solid wood by smelling the fragrance. Therefore, it is important to remember the following points: check if there are circular patrns or arc-shaped needle holes in the stubble of the wood (whether the pipes are regular or if there are straight or curved lines divi the wood into layers). If there are these patrns, it can be judged as artificial board (wood veneer), because real solid wood is not made of rosewood, There are no beautiful patrns outside of camphor wood.
闻纯木有自己00殊的味道,即使长期存放或涂饰后依然留有气味,而且有很多木材会保留淡淡的味道,如松木有松脂的味道,柏木有淡香,雪松有辛辣味,衫木具有00的气味,樟木会有很明显的樟脑味,00木微有油臭味,红木的切口处会有浓厚的辛辣香气,胡桃木会轻微的呛鼻,很多的国产木材没有气味,而人造板会有很浓的化学材料气味,如甲醛,三潞氢氨等会很好识别。  敲实木制件用手轻敲会发出较清脆的声音,而人造板则声音低沉,包厢的木件会发出咚咚的鼓声。
Pure wood has its own unique flavor, even afr long-rm storage or coating, it still has a strong odor, and many wood will retain a faint tas, such as pine wood with a scent of resin, cypress wood with a light fragrance, cedar with a spicy tas, shirt wood with a strong smell of 00, camphor wood with a clear smell of camphor, 00 wood with a slight smell of oil, redwood with a strong spicy aroma at the cut, walnut wood with a slight pungent nose, and many domestic wood with no odor, Wood-based panels have a strong odor of chemical marials, such as formaldehyde, trihydra, etc., which can be easily identified. Tapping on solid wooden components with your hands will make a crisp sound, while the sound of artificial boards is low, and the wooden components in the priva box will make a drumming sound.
Accor to the weight of wood, it is divided into three levels. The lightweight ones include the dried paulownia wood, the medium and heavy ones include pine wood, 00 wood, autumn wood, etc. In the north of China, the medium density wood is called soft miscellaneous wood (except pine wood), and the heavy ones, except rosewood, rosewood, rosewood and other hard wood, oak, ash and birch, and impord Liu'an wood are all called w miscellaneous wood. In conclusion, the wood hol furniture mentioned above is lighr than particle board and medium density fiberboard hol furniture.

买仿古20人旋转大理石餐台 古代圆形电动餐桌的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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