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餐厅餐桌定制市场 玻璃转盘餐桌机芯支架定制详细说明

Identify and pas hol furniture - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Identifying veneered hol furniture, furniture package veneering is a new chnology that emerged in the la Qing Dynasty, such as veneering cedar wood to crea imitation mahogany hol furniture,
Alrnatively, yellow pear and red sandalwood can be applied to ordinary mahogany marials to wrap the table and chair surfaces perfectly, seamlessly embodying the high-level craftsmanship of the craftsmen at that time. This cannot be denied. In recent years, there have been some solid wood hol furniture made using veneer chniques and sold as mahogany in the market, so we need to be careful.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has its advantages in treating diseases; Watching, smelling, asking, and cutting&# quo; There are also five diagnostic methods that the author has summarized from experience to identify laminad hol furniture, which is a good reference for everyone. At first glance, the veneers on the furniture of the redwood hol may not be fully veneered. Generally, large edges and trowels are made of real marial, while components with complex lines are made of real marial. Usually, veneers are applied to the surface core board, and both sides must be veneered. However, the grain direction of the wood cannot be complely aligned on both sides. By carefully distinguishing the wood grain, we can always see the flaws in it.
When pasting furniture in the Er Wen Wei hol, it is necessary to use glue, and we also have a way to identify it. Why does the traditional skin pasting process use pig fat glue? Due to the foaming and wrinkling of the skin, using pig fat glue can expel the air. With a soldering iron, it becomes very flat, which is not possible with general chemical glue. Identifying pig fat glue can be done by rubbing it vigorously with your hands, causing the surface to heat up. Take a sniff and there is a foul odor. If you don't use pig glue, but insad substitu some chemical glue, you should also be able to smell the chemical odor using this method.
If paind, the method of smelling will not work, but you can smell the back. Ofn, the front of the surface core board is paind while the back is not. Hol furniture with three surface veneers is not waxed because waxing can cause blisrs and blisrs on the veneers. Generally, a thin layer of wax or walnut oil is applied or paind. Four tones of mahogany veneer hol furniture will not make too good wood,
Low density pears, sour twigs (such as whi sour twigs and flower twigs) are ofn used, and can be distinguished by the sound of tapping. Generally, high-density mahogany has a hall sound, which is an echo with a buzzing sound, just like the ringtone of a mobile phone now has a chord, which is a pleasant and crisp sound; And low density rosewood, such as pear, is only very brittle when knocked" Pa Pa Pa” The sound of. Five strokes are used to touch the surface of hol furniture to dermine mperature changes, which is also a method of identifying wood density. Generally, wood with high density can transfer heat quickly and feel cooler at the moment of touch; Compared to wood with lower density, it has slower heat transfer and higher tactile mperature.

买餐厅餐桌定制市场 玻璃转盘餐桌机芯支架定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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