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18人圆桌岩板面单价 实木电动餐桌旋转转盘

18人圆桌岩板面单价	实木电动餐桌旋转转盘

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18人圆桌岩板面单价 实木电动餐桌旋转转盘配置参数

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材质 功率 电源 工艺
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18人圆桌岩板面单价 实木电动餐桌旋转转盘详细说明

Mainnance of Hardwood Hol Furniture - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Hardwood fish should be used mainly and include yellow pear, red sandalwood, rosewood, chicken wing wood, flower pear, etc. If used with reasonable proction, in principle, it can be passed down from generation to generation for long-rm use,
There are two mainnance methods: 1. Nowadays, there are two types of hardwoods. Traditional hardwoods generally do not have a paint layer on their surface, but are only waxed. The newly produced hardwood is now procd by large paint or varnish on the surface of the main body. There are differences in the mainnance methods for hardwood furniture with different treatments.
2、 Hardwood has moisture inside, and when the air humidity is too low, hardwood furniture will shrink, and when it is too high, it will expand. Generally, hardwood carp are produced in main counties with a rising and shrinking layer. However, when using and placing them, atntion should be paid to not placing them in areas that are too damp or dry, such as near high mperature and high heat areas such as furnace heating, or in areas that are too damp, such as basements, to avoid mold and cracking.
3、 If it is a low lying bungalow, the fish owner must raise the legs approprialy when the ground is damp, otherwise the legs are prone to moisture corrosion.
4、 When handling or moving hol furniture, it should be handled with care and should not be pulled or pulled hard to avoid damaging the birch joint structure. Tables and chairs cannot be lifd and are prone to falling off. They should be lifd by hand from both sides of the table and the surface of the chair. It is easy to remove the cabinet door and lift it again, which can reduce weight and avoid door movement. If you need to move hol furniture weighing 00, you can use a soft rope to put it under the furniture chassis and lift it before moving.
5、 Avoid placing excessively heavy ims on the surface of hol furniture for a long time, especially levisions, fish tanks, etc., which can deform the furniture. It is not advisable to lay impermeable marials such as plastic cloth on the desktop.
6、 If the floor in the room is uneven, it can cause furniture deformation over time. The avoidance method is to use small wooden pieces to level it.
7、 00 Do not use wet cloth or rough cloth to wipe hard 00911 is used for old furniture. Afr a period of time, add a little furniture wax or walnut oil and gently wipe back and forth along the wood grain.
8、 The manufacturer should avoid friction with hard objects on the surface to avoid damaging the paint surface and wood surface xture. For example, when placing decorative ims such as porcelain and copper ware, be careful and use a soft cloth
. 9、 Avoid placing fish in front of large glass windows facing south, as prolonged direct sunlight can cause furniture to become too dry and fade.
10、 Hot war cups and other ims cannot be placed directly on the surface of hol furniture, as they may leave marks that are difficult to remove. Colored liquids, such as ink, should be avoided from scatring on the desktop in pairs.

买18人圆桌岩板面单价 实木电动餐桌旋转转盘的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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