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大理石电动餐桌单价 酒店专用实木圆桌支架价格

大理石电动餐桌单价	酒店专用实木圆桌支架价格

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大理石电动餐桌单价 酒店专用实木圆桌支架价格配置参数

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大理石电动餐桌单价 酒店专用实木圆桌支架价格详细说明

How does Lanhui maintain hol furniture made of wood, leather, sel, and cloth- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Mainnance of wooden hol furniture: Natural wood furniture products have the great advantage of natural wood grain and diverse natural colors. Due to the fact that natural wood is a constantly breathing organism, it must be placed in an environment with appropria mperature and humidity. Beverages, chemicals, or overhead objects must also be avoided from being placed on the surface to avoid damaging the natural color of the wood surface
. If it is made of Meinai board marial, when there is a lot of dirt, you can use a dilud neutral cleaner combined with warm war to wipe it first, and then wipe it with clean war. Remember to use a soft dry cloth to wipe off any remaining war stains, and afr it is complely wiped off, use mainnance wax to polish it, and it is considered successful. Only by paying atntion to daily cleaning and mainnance can the furniture of wooden hols be long-lasting and innovative.
Leather hol furniture mainnance: Leather has good heat resistance, moisture resistance, and ventilation properties. In addition, the natural xture of leather is more directionless, and it exhibits even elasticity whether placed flat or hanging; In addition, the dyeing of genuine leather is not easy to fade, and has an elegant color, excellent touch, and bright appearance, which has always been loved by the consumer.
How can we maintain the attractive appearance of genuine leather products? Daily cleanliness is crucial. General mainnance only requires gently wiping with a clean and soft cloth. If you want to clean the dirt generad by long-rm use, the ideal way is: first, use a neutral cleaning agent dilud with warm war (1% -3%) to wipe first, then wipe off the cleaning solution with wring dry war, and then use a dry cloth to polish. Afr it is complely dry, use an appropria amount of leather mainnance agent to evenly wipe. Fabric hol furniture mainnance: The fabric commonly used in chairs and sofas has a comfortable touch and rich decor, making the expressions of traditional hol furniture more diverse.
Common mainnance methods: When getting dry dirt such as dust and sand, just gently pat it off or use a vacuum cleaner to clean it. For granular sand, you can use a brush to gently brush inward, but do not use a hard brush to avoid damaging the cloth surface. If it comes into contact with beverages or juice, you can first use a hand towel to absorb the war, then use warm war to dissolve a neutral dergent to wipe, then use a clean soft cloth to dry, and then dry at low mperature. Sel hol furniture mainnance: Solid and durable sel hol furniture is common in hol furniture. Sel hol furniture is presend on the exrior, and its mainnance method can be wiped with a soft cloth, but avoid using rough
Organic solvents (such as turpentine oil, dergent oil) or wet cloth wiping are the main causes of scars and rust.

买大理石电动餐桌单价 酒店专用实木圆桌支架价格的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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