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橡木圆桌电动机芯支架 电动大餐台支架不锈钢

橡木圆桌电动机芯支架	电动大餐台支架不锈钢

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橡木圆桌电动机芯支架 电动大餐台支架不锈钢详细说明

High quality ebony solid wood dining tables and chairs - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
High quality ebony solid wood dining table and chair, high-end ebony solid wood stump stool
100% ebony wood, one fake will be fined ten! Identify key points with smooth outer skin; Grayish brown to light grayish yellow; Easy to fall off in small flakes. The cut surface of the string has a beautiful black color; Yamagata” Stripes.
管孔内含深色树胶和米黄色沉积物。木材重硬。●柿属 Diospyros●木材名称:乌木●地方名称:Africanebony(西非),Omenowa、Kisibiri(加纳),Abkpo、Nyareti、Kanran(尼日利亚),Kukuo(赞比亚),Mevini、Ebene(喀麦隆),Evila(加蓬),Ebano(赤道几内亚),Ngoubou、Bingo(中非)。●不规范名称:黑檀。
The tube hole contains dark gum and beige sediment. The wood is heavy and hard. ● Diospyros ● Wood name: Ebony ● Local names: Africanebony (West Africa), Omenowa, Kisibiri (Ghana), Abkpo, Nyareti, Kanran (Nigeria), Kukuo (Zambia), Mevini, Ebene (Cameroon), Evila (Gabon), Ebano (Equatorial Guinea), Ngoubou, Bingo (Central Africa). ● Non standardized name: Ebony.
Trees and distribution: Large trees, up to 15-18m high, with a diameter of 0.6-0.9m. This genus has about 500 species, widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions around the world. Often imported in small quantities from Madagascar in Africa, without bark or sapwood. Cross section: The difference between the heartwood and the sapwood is significant.
The heartwood is painted black or black brown. The sapwood is nearly white. The growth ring is not obvious. Macroscopic structure: loose porous material. Slightly visible under the magnifying glass of the tube hole, few, slightly small; Mainly single tube holes, with a few diameter rows of multiple tube holes (2-3); Contains dark gum. Under a magnifying glass, the axial thin-walled tissue is obvious and well-developed, with a chordal fine stripe shape, evenly arranged, and often forming a network with wood rays. Slightly visible under a wooden X-ray magnifying glass, dense and very narrow. ● Wood properties: slightly glossy; Texture interlacing; Very fine structure; Very heavy and hard; High strength; The shrinkage is very large.
Difficult processing, containing silica, easy to blunt cutting tools, and smooth cutting surface. Good adhesion and polishing properties. Nails must be punched first. It is very resistant to corrosion. Drying is slow and prone to cracking. Sawdust is irritating to the skin and throat. The air dry density is 1.01g/cm3.

买橡木圆桌电动机芯支架 电动大餐台支架不锈钢的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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