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北欧餐桌转盘捌仟捌一套 自动圆桌旋转转盘定制

北欧餐桌转盘捌仟捌一套	自动圆桌旋转转盘定制

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北欧餐桌转盘捌仟捌一套 自动圆桌旋转转盘定制配置参数

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北欧餐桌转盘捌仟捌一套 自动圆桌旋转转盘定制详细说明

What is the size standard for hotel furniture and desks- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Different study designs and different user groups also have different requirements for desks. For example, children and adults use different tables, and different professions have different requirements for tables. What is the standard size for a desk? Let's learn about desk size together. The size specifications of a desk can vary from large to small, with various forms. It can be divided into single person and double person desks according to size. Generally, the surface size of a single person desk is 75cm * 130cm, and its height is below 75cm. This size is suitable for installation in most households
Due to different product varieties, their specifications and styles also vary, and the size specifications of some desks can be adjusted according to their own needs. Foshan Lanhui Hotel Furniture and Door Industry Co., Ltd. (formerly Foshan Yulong Hotel Furniture and Door Industry Co., Ltd.) was established in 2005 and is located in China; Foshan. The company mainly customizes and produces hotel room supporting furniture, including bed boxes/frames, set doors, soft and hard wrapped bed screens, handmade mattresses, various chairs, TV cabinets, coffee tables, luggage cabinets, wall soft bags, fixed furniture, fabric sofas, leather sofas, curtains, etc.
The surface size specification of a desk for two people is generally 75cm * 200cm, and it can be used for two people to study and work. The size also varies according to different brands and styles, which is usually so many. Moreover, some brand style desks can be adjusted according to their own needs. Then it is divided into adults and children,
It can be divided into children's desks and adult desks. The above mentioned desks are generally prepared for adults, and people do not mind the style, size, and function too much. On the contrary, people are quite concerned about children's desks because children are in a long period of development, and their product quality and size have strict requirements. For children's desks, some must go through national quality inspection standards before they can be sold. Its size should also be tailored to the child's body shape,
Generally, modern children's desks are designed to be more personalized, and the height of their desks can be adjusted. If considering practicality and chair matching, according to normal human physiological measurements in China, the height of the writing desk should be 750-80mm, taking into account the activity area of the legs under the table; The clear height under the table is required to be no less than 580mm. The seat should be matched with the writing desk, with moderate height, soft and comfortable, and conditions permit the purchase of a swivel chair. The general height of the seat should be 380-450mm to facilitate people's activity needs.
单人书桌台高 710-750mm。台面至柜屉底不可超过125mm,否则,起身时会撞脚。靠墙书桌,离台面450mm处可设一 100 m  m灯槽,上面用书柜或居架,这样,书写时,看不见光管,但台面却有充足光照。14岁以下小孩使用的书桌,台面至少应为00mmX500mm,高度应为580-710mm。座椅也要配合。
The height of a single desk is 710-750mm. The distance from the countertop to the bottom of the cabinet drawer should not exceed 125mm, otherwise it may hit your feet when getting up. A desk against the wall can have a light slot of 100 meters at a distance of 450mm from the countertop, with a bookshelf or bookshelf on top. This way, when writing, the light tube cannot be seen, but the countertop has sufficient light. A desk for children under 14 years old should have a countertop of at least 00mmX500mm and a height of 580-710mm. The seats also need to be coordinated.

买北欧餐桌转盘捌仟捌一套 自动圆桌旋转转盘定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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