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全自动圆桌实木框架定制 实木电动餐桌材质说明

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全自动圆桌实木框架定制 实木电动餐桌材质说明详细说明

How to Place the Furniture and Dining Table in Foshan Hotel - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
How to arrange the furniture and dining table in a Foshan hotel? The placement of the dining table can affect the owner's appetite and is closely related to health. It can be seen how important a good dining table placement is.
1、 The dining table should not be placed under the crossbeam. If there is a crossbeam above the dining table, it will be like a sharp blade on top, which will create an invisible pressure on the people below. Over time, not only will it seriously damage the mental and health of family members, but it may also cause unrest in the home. It is recommended to use a ceiling to cover the crossbeam and place mascots in the restaurant, which can effectively solve the problem of poor feng shui on the dining table.
2、 The dining table should not be placed in a disadvantageous position at home. The dining table is a place for a family to eat and is related to their health, fortune, etc. Therefore, the dining table should be placed in a favorable position at home, not in a disadvantageous position at home. Of course, the selection of dining table placement can refer to the fate of the homeowner, for example," Yin Ming Huo Xiang Ren”,
The Five Elements of Joy: Wood and Fire, Joy Orientation: True East, Southeast, and True South. 3、 The dining table should not be flushed directly into the toilet door, which is considered a dirty and unclean place in feng shui. Therefore, the more concealed it is, the better. If facing the dining table, it often leads to poor health for family members. If the dining table is flush with the toilet, it is better to move the dining table to another location. If it is indeed impossible to remove it, a small water basin can be placed in the center of the dining table, in which water can be used to nourish iron combs or transport bamboo. This method has a good effect on resolving problems in rural areas. 4、 The dining table should not be directly facing the shrine. The shrine is dedicated to Buddha statues and ancestral tablets.
Strictly speaking, it is not advisable to be too close to the place where ordinary people eat, as yin and yang have different paths and immortals are different. If the deities worshipped in their demeanor are Guanyin and Buddha gods, as they are all abstaining from killing and practicing vegetarian fasting. However, most people have big fish and meat when they eat, which makes them feel out of place when facing each other head-on. If possible, try to keep the dining table as close as possible to the shrine. The important thing is to move the dining table away, ensuring that the two are not in a straight line. 5、 The dining table cannot be washed away by the road. The dining table is a place for a family to eat, so it needs to be warm, comfortable, and natural in order to enjoy delicious food happily. If there is a road or sharp corner rushing towards the dining table, it may cause family members to have more arguments during meals, which is detrimental to family harmony and needs to be adjusted in a timely manner.

买全自动圆桌实木框架定制 实木电动餐桌材质说明的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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