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电动餐桌厂家直销机芯 电动餐桌30人图片定制

电动餐桌厂家直销机芯	电动餐桌30人图片定制

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电动餐桌厂家直销机芯 电动餐桌30人图片定制详细说明

There are many hot pot shops in Wansheng area, but in fact, Wansheng area belongs to Qijiang district, with about 47. However, there are no hot pot shops installed with electric dining tables in the hot pot shops, indicating that electric dining tables have not yet been popularized. Today, the editor will organize some hot pot restaurants in Wansheng area that do not have electric dining tables, but have higher cost-effectiveness.

1、 Ba Guo Jiu Wang Ye Hot Pot (Wansheng Headquarters)
1、 火锅店地址:国能奥莱斯好吃街D区一楼8-10号
1. Hotpot restaurant address: No. 8-10, 1st floor, Zone D, Yummy Street, Guoneng Outlets
2、 店铺链接:
2. Store link:
3、 火锅店图片:
3. Hotpot restaurant image:
4、 店铺营业执照名称:万盛经开区九王御府餐饮店
4. Name of store business license: Jiuwang Yufu Catering Store in Wansheng Economic Development Zone
5、 评论数241,评分56、 采用产品:普通一体火锅桌
5. 241 comments, rating 56. Product used: regular integrated hot pot table
2、 Dingyue Jade Rabbit King (Wansheng Store)
1、 火锅店地址:万盛大道渝南明珠钟楼与转盘之间173号
1. Hotpot restaurant address: No. 173, between Yunan Mingzhu Bell Tower and Turntable, Wansheng Avenue
2、 店铺链接:
2. Store link:
3、 火锅店图片:
3. Hotpot restaurant image:
4、 评论数818,评分4.32
4. 818 comments, 4.32 rating
5、 店铺营业执照名称:万盛经济开发区丁月玉兔王丁健餐饮店
5. Name of store business license: Dingyue Yutu Wang Dingjian Catering Store in Wansheng Economic Development Zone
6、 采用产品:普通电磁炉一体火锅桌
6. Product adopted: Ordinary induction cooker integrated hot pot table
3、 Old House Old Hot Pot (Wansheng Store)
1、 火锅店地址:万东吉丰居9号
1. Hotpot restaurant address: No.9 Jifengju, Wandong
2、 店铺链接:
2. Store link:
3、 火锅店图片:
3. Hotpot restaurant image:
4、 店铺营业执照名称:石海花谷文化传播有限公司
4. Name of store business license: Shihai Huagu Cultural Communication Co., Ltd
5、 评论数20,评分3.526、
5. 20 comments, rating 3.526
Products used: Ordinary integrated hot pot tables and above are three hot pot shops with high cost-effectiveness found among 47 hot pot shops in Wansheng District. Unfortunately, hot pot enthusiasts in Wansheng District do not have the opportunity to enjoy electric dining tables. Electric dining tables are not only a table and a set of equipment, but also an improvement in the quality and service of hot pot shops, truly creating a good hot pot shop environment for hot pot enthusiasts, I hope more and more hot pot restaurants in Wansheng area can use electric dining tables. Electric dining tables in other regions: Rongchang's hot pot restaurant with electric dining tables, Changshou's hot pot restaurant with electric dining tables

买电动餐桌厂家直销机芯 电动餐桌30人图片定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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