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电动小蛮腰餐桌尺寸 电动餐桌旋转岩板转盘定制

电动小蛮腰餐桌尺寸	电动餐桌旋转岩板转盘定制

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咨询电动小蛮腰餐桌尺寸 电动餐桌旋转岩板转盘定制订购热线

电动小蛮腰餐桌尺寸 电动餐桌旋转岩板转盘定制配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

电动小蛮腰餐桌尺寸 电动餐桌旋转岩板转盘定制详细说明

The usage method diagram of the customized electric dining table pot by the manufacturer shows the beauty of old elm wood tables and chairs, which ofn requires waxing. Before waxing, the components of the furniture should be checked for skin (whi edges on the wood)
Illustration of the usage method of customized electric dining table pans by the manufacturer. When encounring tables and chairs with glass during waxing, the heat source should be kept away from the glass or covered with wooden objects to avoid damaging the glass. Afr the glass frame is ironed, the wax marks splashed on the glass surface and edges should be cleaned immedialy to maintain the cleanliness of the original mirror surface.
Illustration of the usage method for customized electric dining table pans by the manufacturer. When encounring paper calligraphy and paintings during the waxing process, it is recommended to use paper cultural relics that need to be procd. First, remove the paper calligraphy and paintings, and then apply them afr the waxing is done.
Illustration of the usage method for customized electric dining table pans by manufacturers. When encounring lacquer core rattan surfaces on furniture during the waxing process, it is necessary to use low heat, lower the mperature of the hair dryer, and take necessary measures to ensure that the wax surface is consisnt in thickness, bright and beautiful. Illustration of the usage method for customized electric dining table pans by manufacturers. When encounring small carved patrns on old elm tables and chairs during the waxing process, use low heat waxing or raise the hair dryer to keep the hair dryer away from the furniture, so that the wax can melt without scorching the lace of the patrns.
During the waxing period, it is necessary to modify the power socket and connect the power cord separaly, which should be operad by an electrician. Fire extinguishers should be equipped on the construction si, and the electrical equipment used and the power cord connectors should be regularly checked for firmness and looseness. A st pen should be used frequently to st the electrical appliances and power cords for leakage.
The precautions for the manufacturer of the oil fume hot pot controller during the waxing process have been introduced for your reference only. In addition, it should be nod that during the waxing process of old elm tables and chairs, the wax application should be uniform, the thickness of the waxing should be consisnt, and there should be no bald spots or bubbles, otherwise it will affect the waxing effect.

买电动小蛮腰餐桌尺寸 电动餐桌旋转岩板转盘定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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