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圆桌控制器厂家批发 酒店自动圆桌尺寸定制

圆桌控制器厂家批发	酒店自动圆桌尺寸定制

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圆桌控制器厂家批发 酒店自动圆桌尺寸定制详细说明


总之,整个过程要求温和,只有这样才能即去除木材的木性,而且不破坏木材的纤维。然后才能被用来制作。风干:在很多木材市场我们都可以看到,很多板材、方材被整整齐齐的垛起来,它们并不立即使用 ,而是被风吹雨打半年、一年以上,干又湿,湿又干,在这个过程中,木性越来越小,才能被用来制作水泡:很多木材工厂和家具工厂都有一个池子,专门用来泡木材,一般来说新进的木材需要浸泡一周到一个月左右,然后捞起来风干,或者是泡完之后熏蒸,然后才能用来制作。当然,要注意的是池子里要放进石灰。
Do you know the reasons for the cracking of solid wood smokeless hot pot manufacturers-
Many old solid wood smokeless hot pot sales manufacturers can see the crack. Especially on the table and on the table feet. In fact, the cracking of solid wood smokeless hot pot sales manufacturers is caused by wood. When making solid wood smoke-free hot pot sales manufacturers to "remove wood", solid wood smoke-free hot pot sales manufacturers will certainly crack after a period of time. Solid wood smokeless hot pot sales manufacturer 1. What is wood? Woodiness is simply the naturalness of logs.
For example, wood will expand with heat and shrink with cold. Logs will expand with water and shrink with drying, resulting in distortion and cracking. Making solid wood smoke-free hot pot sales manufacturers do not just make wood into parts of various shapes and then assemble them. Its more important technology is to overcome the woodiness of wood.
As for how to overcome it, Xiaobian will introduce it to you in detail below.
2. Solid wood smokeless hot pot sales manufacturers how to wood? Different kinds of wood show different wood properties. Take oak! If you want to make oak into smokeless hot pot sales factory chairs, its technology is different from most wood. Oak cracks easily, but it has good toughness after cooking. Therefore, oak is generally made into curved wood furniture after cooking. Instead of fumigating, drying and shaping like most wood. However, although the wood properties of all kinds of wood are different, the methods of removing wood properties are basically the same. The specific methods are as follows: steaming and baking: in fact, the real wood smoke-free hot pot produced by regular factories is sold to manufacturers, and its wood is fumigated. Of course, this kind of fumigation is not like steaming steamed bread and baking bread. It can be done in half an hour. Log steaming and baking is as short as one week, and may be longer than half a month, and the temperature control is very strict.
In short, the whole process requires moderation. Only in this way can we remove the woodiness of wood and not destroy the fiber of wood. Then it can be used to make solid wood smokeless hot pot sales manufacturers. Air drying: in many wood markets, we can see that many boards and square timber are stacked neatly. They are not used immediately, but are beaten by wind and rain for more than half a year or more. They are dry and wet, wet and dry. In this process, the wood property is getting smaller and smaller, Can it be used to make bubbles for solid wood smoke-free hot pot sales manufacturers: many wood factories and furniture factories have a pool dedicated to soaking wood. Generally speaking, new wood needs to be soaked for about one week and one month, then picked up and dried, or fumigated after soaking, and then used to make solid wood smoke-free hot pot sales manufacturers. Of course, it should be noted that lime should be put into the pool.

买圆桌控制器厂家批发 酒店自动圆桌尺寸定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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