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自动转盘圆桌 4米电动餐桌的单价

自动转盘圆桌  	4米电动餐桌的单价

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自动转盘圆桌 4米电动餐桌的单价配置参数

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自动转盘圆桌 4米电动餐桌的单价详细说明

Solid wood hol furniture refers to furniture that is entirely made of solid wood or made of solid wood and veneer panels, with the characristics of being solid and rable, rich in xture, simple and elegant, and luxurious; The shortcomings are relatively bulky, high cost, and poor novelty. Panel style hol furniture is processed from artificial board veneer treatment, with a majority of fol structures and diverse marials, generally inclu sticker furniture, fireproof board furniture, melamine board furniture, etc.
实木酒店家具原指纯粹由实木制成的家具,如西南桦、榉木、楸木、橡胶木、松木、红木等制成的家具。但如今为了降低成本,有些所谓的实木酒店家具其实已经较多地使用了人造板(如中纤板、刨花板、夹板)等材料。人造板贴面多采用纹理较好的榉木皮、影木皮、樱桃木皮、胡桃木皮等。实木酒店家具的结构上以榫槽结构为主,配件讲究豪华气派的风格。  板式酒店家具从外观结构上看,各部位均由板材组成,由“板”取代了“柱”、“脚”等部件。
Panel furniture has relatively diverse styles and modera prices. Solid wood hol furniture originally referred to furniture made solely of solid wood, such as southwest birch, beech, catalpa, rubber, pine, mahogany, etc. But now, in order to rece costs, some so-called solid wood hol furniture has actually used more man-made boards (such as MDF, particle board, plywood) and other marials. Artificial board veneers ofn use well xtured beech wood veneer, shadow wood veneer, cherry wood veneer, walnut veneer, etc. The structure of solid wood hol furniture is mainly non and groove structure, and the accessories pay atntion to a luxurious and imposing style. From the perspective of appearance and structure, all parts of the board style hol furniture are composed of boards, with "boards" replacing components such as "columns" and "feet".
其板材的选择有两类,一类是不需要喷漆的,已有很好的贴面;另一类则需要再进行喷漆。  板式酒店家具生产形式有两种:一种为拆装式,这一种对材料的要求较高,每块板都要经过封边处理,通过钻孔,由联结键联接,以中纤板、刨花板为主;另一种为整装式,这种多使用低廉的材料,首先钉合成整体,然后批灰、打磨、贴纸,多不用联结键,造价较低。
There are two types of panel selection: one type does not require painting and has a good veneer; Another type requires further painting. There are two proction forms of panel hol furniture: one is disassembly and assembly, which has high requirements for marials. Each board should be edge sealed, connecd by drilling holes and connecting keys, mainly MDF and particle board; Another type is the packaged type, which uses low-cost marials and first nails them into a whole. Then, it is plasred, polished, and pasd, without the need for connecting keys, resulting in a lower cost.
实木酒店家具与板式酒店家具生产上的不同点:  实木酒店家具的生产工艺复杂、周期较长;板式酒店家具的生产工艺简单、周期较短。  实木酒店家具的有工序是木材处理、平压刨、白坯砂光;板式酒店家具的有工序是封边、冷热压、贴纸(木皮)。  
The differences in the proction of solid wood hol furniture and panel style hol furniture are as follows: the proction process of solid wood hol furniture is complex and the cycle is long; The proction process of panel hol furniture is simple and the cycle is short. The main processes for solid wood hol furniture include wood processing, flat planing, and whi san; The main processes of panel hol furniture are edge sealing, cold and hot pressing, and pasting (wood veneer). In the proction of solid wood hol furniture, atntion should be paid to the comprehensive utilization of wood; In the proction of panel hol furniture, atntion should be paid to the cutting design of the panels.
实现同等产值的情况下,生产实木酒店家具产品所用的设备、场地、人员要比生产板式酒店家具产品多出三分之一到二分之一,但实木酒店家具产品的利润也比较高。  提高实木酒店家具产品的质量,应当从一开始木材的干燥入手,贯穿整个加工过程,直到后期的修补、打磨各工序、全面进行控制。板式酒店家具产品则应更多注意孔位的精确性。
Under the condition of achieving equal output value, the equipment, venue, and personnel used to proce solid wood hol furniture procts are one-third to one-half more than those used to proce panel type hol furniture procts, but the profits of solid wood hol furniture procts are also relatively high. To improve the quality of solid wood hol furniture procts, it is necessary to start with the drying of the wood from the beginning, throughout the entire processing process, until the repair and polishing processes are comprehensively controlled in the lar stage. Panel hol furniture procts should pay more atntion to the accuracy of hole positions.

买自动转盘圆桌 4米电动餐桌的单价的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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