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电动餐桌实木架子定做 自动转盘实木箱体定制

电动餐桌实木架子定做	自动转盘实木箱体定制

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电动餐桌实木架子定做 自动转盘实木箱体定制配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

电动餐桌实木架子定做 自动转盘实木箱体定制详细说明

Precautions in the proction process of hol furniture artificial stone ning tables - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Precautions for the proction process of hol furniture artificial stone ning tables:

1. The appearance quality first requires furniture to have a smooth surface, fine workmanship, fine decoration, and clear and beautiful xture. Indoor furniture is usually made of particle board, meum density fiberboard, blockboard, laminad board, etc. Veneer, wood veneer, and three-layer plywood are used as covering marials. The marial properties of fferent base marials and clad marials are also fferent. If we do not pay atntion to the marial's properties and correct usage, it ofn leads to sel pla warping. Being and Junxinmei Furniture suggest that the structural characristics of the clad marials on the back and front of the panel must be the same or similar. The moisture connt of the substra should be 6-10%, and as many marials as possible should be selecd from the same batch. Shorn the loa time, cover marials with fferent marial properties and moisture connt, pay atntion to fferent thicknesses of glue, pressing time, and pressure.
2. The structural strength is the second point that should be paid atntion to ring the proction process of hol furniture artificial stone ning tables. Most indoor furniture is a general structure mainly composed of fixed furniture and boards, and wooden screws, hardware connectors, and adhesives are used as the connection methods. When using marials, atntion should be paid to the  properties of fferent marials, such as particle board and meum density board, which have poor nail grip, to avoid the parts that need frequent movement or strong nail grip, such as door hinge screws, bottom rail screws, etc., which are easy to loosen. Neodymium should pay special atntion to the metal suspension parts on the bed board and frame, or use wood insad of reinforcement. At present, the popular 45 degree inverd wood suspension structure.
3. The marial cost also meets the usage requirements, and low-cost marials should be used as much as possible. When using large surface marials, atntion should be paid to using small pieces of the same marial to comprehensively improve the utilization ra of the board. The quantity of furniture in a room is generally relatively large, and it is recommended to use compurs for reasonable layout and comprehensive utilization of marials for large and small ims to rece marial costs. fferent structures should pay atntion to the comparison of marial costs.
4. Efficient proction: When the cost of hol furniture marials is the same, this marial is easy to process. This chnology can save processing costs and improve efficiency. Especially in end milling, circular grin, and carving processing, this marial is easy to process and cut, easy to clean, and easy to process.
5. The floors of hols for transportation and installation are generally high, requiring the weight of furniture to be easily transpord. Especially for some connecd bed backs, some exnded office desks, elevators that cannot be transpord, and freight elevators that are usually removed ring furniture installation, how to safely transport should be considered in rms of marial and structural weight.
6. Safety performance: Generally, hols do not specify formaldehyde connt, but there are fire proction requirements for furniture. In hols, fire resistant panels, anti burn paint, flame retardant fabrics, etc. are allowed in certain areas. Luxury hols even require furniture to catch fire. The above factors should be considered in practical applications. The functional requirements of the Foshan hol furniture artificial stone ning table are inractive with the reasonable marial structure and workshop process layout of the hol furniture artificial stone ning table company. Rece costs, adopt professional processing chnology and equipment, and ensure that the proction of furniture meets the comfortable requirements of high-end hols that are people-oriend.

买电动餐桌实木架子定做 自动转盘实木箱体定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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