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12人电动转盘实木脚工艺五底三面 6人圆形餐桌小

12人电动转盘实木脚工艺五底三面	6人圆形餐桌小

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12人电动转盘实木脚工艺五底三面 6人圆形餐桌小配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

12人电动转盘实木脚工艺五底三面 6人圆形餐桌小详细说明

Personalized Hotel Electric Dining Table Customization - Foshan Lanhui Electric Dining Table
The so-called customized electric dining table, as the name suggests, is an electric dining table product that can be customized according to the different styles and patterns of the entire room space according to the consumers' own thoughts. When designing an electric dining table, the first thing we need to consider is the size and placement of the electric dining table.
According to professional electric dining table designers, many household types nowadays have irregular and irregular walls, so when installing electric dining tables, irregular walls are often encountered, especially those with non vertical corners and beams and columns, which are even more difficult to place. However, the advantage of customizing electric dining tables is that we can design and manufacture according to the overall layout of the room, which effectively utilizes the limited space, Improved space utilization.
There is a significant difference between the customization of high-end wuxingji hotel electric dining tables and mass-produced ordinary electric dining tables on the assembly line, as almost every piece of customized electric dining tables is different, resulting in different production rates for each piece of whole wood.
For this phenomenon, industry professionals have stated that quotes for brands such as custom cloakrooms or most custom electric dining tables are calculated on a per square meter basis, and then the number of square meters of wood used will be calculated based on times; The calculation method of calculating the price per square meter and then obtaining the total price may not seem to be a problem on the surface, but there are still some errors in reality.
That's because they lack optimization for the yield of whole board wood. The Wuxingji hotel's electric dining table does not care whether the lost board can be reused, but as long as the whole board is used for your electric dining table, it will be counted in the actual electric dining table used. This has invisibly caused you to pay a lot of extra fees, so when customizing the Wuxingji hotel electric dining table, it is important to pay attention to the board and not waste it casually.
Customizing high-end wuxingji hotel electric dining tables refers to the large-scale production of electric dining tables by enterprises, treating every consumer as a single segmented market, and designing and manufacturing personalized electric dining tables for consumers according to their own requirements.
In fact, in the true sense of" Customized electric dining table" It is not just the exclusive production of electric dining table styles, but also customization covering various aspects such as design and layout, production process, logistics, etc. This type of customization service has been popular in Europe, America, and Japan for many years, and the market operation is basically mature.
For customized electric dining tables in developed countries in Europe and America, especially in high-end wuxingji hotels, the entire board should be optimized in advance to ensure a high yield as much as possible. Then, the actual board used for each electric dining table should be calculated reasonably and accurately, and the price should be calculated based on the determined board area.

买12人电动转盘实木脚工艺五底三面 6人圆形餐桌小的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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