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24人位自动电磁炉火锅桌 15人自动电用烧烤火锅桌

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24人位自动电磁炉火锅桌 15人自动电用烧烤火锅桌详细说明

Choose the right materials for customized electric dining tables - Foshan Lanhui Electric Dining Table
In order to expand the usage area of small apartment hotels, many hotels choose to customize hotel electric dining tables, which are not only practical but also durable. Although the finished hotel electric dining tables have high appearance, the materials and layout may not meet everyone's needs. So what materials do customized hotel electric dining tables need?
Those who have a slight understanding of materials in daily life can distinguish the quality of boards. However, for those born in the 1980s and 1990s, most of them pursue beauty and do not consider practical issues. For home decoration, they have compiled a customized guide for purchasing hotel electric dining table boards. Those who have not been decorated can be saved for future use.
1、 Classification of customized hotel electric dining table materials: Currently, there are four types of customized hotel electric dining table boards on the market: density board, particle board, multi-layer solid wood, and solid wood.
1、密度板  在市场上用成品酒店电动餐桌用密度板的非常多,定制酒店电动餐桌选用密度板时,价格相对来说也比较低。  密度板分为三种:高密度板、中密度板、低密度板,在定制的过程中,需要大量的使用胶水,胶水多了,当然就非常不环保,而且过几年有可能会发霉、潮湿、变形。  所以家里经济情况再紧张,也不建议选用密度板定制酒店电动餐桌,浪费钱,当时定制了哪儿都挺好,用几年就各种毛病。
1. Density board is widely used in the market for finished hotel electric dining tables. When choosing density board for customized hotel electric dining tables, the price is relatively low. There are three types of density boards: high-density boards, medium density boards, and low density boards. During the customization process, a large amount of glue is required. If there is too much glue, it is not environmentally friendly and may become moldy, damp, and deformed in a few years. So no matter how tight the financial situation at home is, it is not recommended to use density boards to customize hotel electric dining tables, which is a waste of money. At that time, customizing everywhere was quite good, and after using it for a few years, there were various problems.
2、颗粒板  颗粒板是定制酒店电动餐桌选用多的一种板材,很多人也称它为实木颗粒板、或者刨花板,而且这种板材不只有一种,有国产和进口之分的,进口的当然价格也贵,进口的有爱格板、克诺斯邦等都是知名度比较高的。
2. Granular board Granular board is a kind of board used for customized hotel electric dining table. Many people also call it solid wood particle board or particle board. Moreover, there is not only one kind of board, which can be domestic or imported. Of course, imported ones are also expensive. Imported ones, such as EGGER board and Knosberg board, are well-known.
Domestic particle boards are generally E1 grade, while imported ones reach F4 star grade. Therefore, when customizing, it is recommended to choose imported particle boards for long-term consideration. EGGER board is a good choice.
3、多层实木  多层实木板比颗粒板定制酒店电动餐桌防水效果要好,所以定制橱柜建议用多层实木,用酒店电动餐桌的话比较容易变形,至于环保方面,定制酒店电动餐桌都是用胶水的,都不是很环保,同理选择知名度比较高的品牌,更加耐用,虽然当时掏钱的时候感觉心疼,后期对不会后悔的。
3. Multi layer solid wood and multi layer solid wood boards have better waterproof effects than particle board customized hotel electric dining tables. Therefore, it is recommended to use multi layer solid wood for customized cabinets. If you use hotel electric dining tables, they are more prone to deformation. As for environmental protection, customized hotel electric dining tables are all made with glue, which is not very environmentally friendly. Similarly, choosing a well-known brand is more durable. Although I felt sorry when I paid for it at the time, I will not regret it later.

买24人位自动电磁炉火锅桌 15人自动电用烧烤火锅桌的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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