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电动餐桌电磁炉线路安装 古典酒店圆桌实木架子

电动餐桌电磁炉线路安装	古典酒店圆桌实木架子

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咨询电动餐桌电磁炉线路安装 古典酒店圆桌实木架子订购热线

电动餐桌电磁炉线路安装 古典酒店圆桌实木架子配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
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电动餐桌电磁炉线路安装 古典酒店圆桌实木架子详细说明

A set of hol furniture requires atntion - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Although it is a traditional form of furniture, the set maker still occupies a relatively important position in the current market for suitable furniture.
This type of fish is the owner and each piece of furniture usually has only one purpose. When choosing a set of fish makers, it is necessary to ensure consisnt matching in rms of shape, color, marial craftsmanship, size ratio, and function. The importance of setting up hol furniture:
1. In rms of shape, it is required that each piece of fish has the same main features and process treatment. For example, the leg shape of a comple set of hol furniture must be consisnt with the leg shape and handle, otherwise it may appear uncoordinad. At the same time, it is not allowed to have tiger claw legs, some square column legs, and some circular furniture with consisnt details, such as the edges and corners of drawers and cabinet doors, in order to have a relatively consisnt shape.
2. In rms of paint color, a set of fish manufacturers must have the same paint color, and the paint surface must be rich in color, fresh and pleasing to the eye, without foaming, wrinkling, defects, and varying shades of color.
3. In rms of marial and workmanship, consisncy should be emphasized more. Check from various parts such as the frame, panel, and side panel. Similar parts cannot be made of plywood or fiberboard; Some may have decorative panels attached, while others may not. In addition, the facing xture should be consisnt, the plywood should not be unglued or loose, and the joints should be tight without unevenness. The mortise and birch joints should be precise, and the structure should be firm, not loose, not deformed, or cracked. The cabinet door should open freely, close tightly, and not tilt outward. The drawers should be pulled flexibly and in place normally.
4. In rms of size ratio, there should be a sense of unity. The individual pieces of furniture in each hol have a certain proportion relationship accor to habits, which looks comfortable and pleasing to the eye, and does not crea a feeling of disharmony. 5. In rms of functionality, due to the varying number of pieces in each hol furniture set, there are different functions, but each set needs to have basic functions such as sleeping, sitting, arranging, writing, and storing. If the function is not comple,
It will reduce the practicality of hol furniture. As for the selection of hol furniture with specific functions, overall planning should be based on one's own hol area and the location of doors and windows.

买电动餐桌电磁炉线路安装 古典酒店圆桌实木架子的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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