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电动餐桌实木架颜色 酒店圆桌支架等分

电动餐桌实木架颜色	酒店圆桌支架等分

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电动餐桌实木架颜色 酒店圆桌支架等分配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
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电动餐桌实木架颜色 酒店圆桌支架等分详细说明

Accor to market research, the commonly used hol furniture wood in the market includes pine, rubber, birch, beech, elm, ash, oak, cherry, and black walnut. What grade are these 9 common hol furniture wood?
酒店家具木材分为低档木材、中档木材、中高档木材、高档木材,具体划分如下:  1、低档木材:松木、杉木等质地比较软,常用作实木家具的辅材,如抽屉板、后背板,还可制作儿童家具,价格便宜,自然环保。
Hol furniture wood can be divided into low-end wood, medium end wood, medium to high end wood, and high-end wood. The specific classification is as follows: 1. Low end wood: pine, fir, and other soft marials are commonly used as auxiliary marials for solid wood furniture, such as drawer boards and back boards. It can also be used to make children's furniture, which is cheap and environmentally friendly.
2、 中档木材:橡胶木作为硬木因其价廉,被广泛采用,某些大家具品牌也用此材料。桤木、桦木、柞木差不多,价格一般不高。  3、中高档木材:榉木和榆木俗称北榆南榉,一直都是民间家具的常用材料,价格相对高档进口木材和红木比较亲民,兼具观赏性和实用性。  4、高档木材:多为进口而珍贵,除作为高档家具用材外,黑胡桃、水曲柳、樱桃木等一般为优质贴面用材,作为装饰元素。
2. Mid range wood: Rubber wood is widely used as a hardwood e to its low cost, and some major furniture brands also use this marial. Alder, birch, and oak are similar, but the price is generally not high. 3. Medium to high-end wood: Beech wood and elm wood, commonly known as north elm and south elm, have always been commonly used marials for folk furniture. The price is relatively affordable compared to high-end impord wood and mahogany, and they are both ornamental and practical. 4. High grade wood: Most of them are impord and precious. In addition to being used as high-end furniture marials, black walnut, ash, cherry wood, and other high-quality veneer marials are generally used as decorative elements.

买电动餐桌实木架颜色 酒店圆桌支架等分的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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