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香河酒店实木餐桌餐椅定制 酒店电动餐桌 电动餐

香河酒店实木餐桌餐椅定制	酒店电动餐桌 电动餐

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咨询香河酒店实木餐桌餐椅定制 酒店电动餐桌 电动餐订购热线

香河酒店实木餐桌餐椅定制 酒店电动餐桌 电动餐配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

香河酒店实木餐桌餐椅定制 酒店电动餐桌 电动餐详细说明

Generally, hot pot table manufacturers have a comparison. The other part is that the manufacturer customizes the Zhongshan electric dining table pot for wholesale and retail. In this manufacturer's customized Zhongshan electric dining table pot for wholesale and retail, they choose a closed production method, such as not being able to see the light or air, and not having a lot of dust. There are reasons for this. The reason for the closed style is that some paint odors cannot be emitted to other workshops, perhaps directly discharged into the atmosphere. This can only be directly discharged after other treatments, otherwise there is a greater risk of damage to human health and environmental pollution, and other impacts. The production workshop for wholesale and retail of Zhongshan electric dining table pots ordered by the manufacturer is dust-free. During the production process, if the wind is too strong, it may be due to too much dust, It will stick to the surface of the furniture, giving it a grainy texture that will rub against its beauty and surface, thereby greatly reducing the paint quality of the furniture.
Manufacturers usually require professional equipment and exhaust equipment, as well as sewage treatment equipment, to purchase, wholesale, and retail customized Zhongshan electric dining tables and pots. They also have high requirements for the production workshop, which has made painters widely valued in the furniture industry. So what are the production workshop environments and the painting processes for furniture production? For example, the manufacturer of hot pot tables and chairs can briefly analyze the common tables and chairs in hot pot restaurants.
Generally speaking, spraying paint refers to the solid wood hot pot dining table or the white embryo of the hot pot dining chair that has been produced from the woodworking room. Regarding the white embryo of the hot pot dining table, it means that the wooden frame products are produced from the raw wood or assembled, and then undergo some simple polishing treatment. For some rough areas, they are first electrically polished, and then sent to the manufacturer's customized Zhongshan electric dining table and pot for wholesale and retail to enter the next step of the process. After the structure is completed, the shelf is taken to the manufacturer's customized Zhongshan electric dining table pot for wholesale and retail. The first step is to add the corresponding atomic ash according to the specific condition of the raw materials. The added atomic ash is mainly added to some areas with uneven joints or seams. This process can be said to be a process of repairing details.
After adding, it takes dozens of minutes or even longer to wait for the added atomic moisture to evaporate, dry and condense. After waiting, a delicate polishing is required to remove the remaining atomic ash after adding, so that the smooth and smooth wood grain can be displayed. Of course, when polishing the atomic ash, The polishing master will also lightly polish other wooden edges and corners to make the entire furniture feel smooth, which is a fundamental step. The next step is to spray paint. This is the sprayed primer. Why do you want to spray the primer? Generally speaking, the primer is colorless, and when sprayed onto the hot pot, it is relatively rough. For such a rough primer, it is also necessary to wait for about 30-50 minutes, and wait for the hot pot to dry thoroughly before polishing again.

买香河酒店实木餐桌餐椅定制 酒店电动餐桌 电动餐的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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