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家用电磁炉电动转盘定制 实木餐桌机芯支架价格

家用电磁炉电动转盘定制	实木餐桌机芯支架价格

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家用电磁炉电动转盘定制 实木餐桌机芯支架价格配置参数

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家用电磁炉电动转盘定制 实木餐桌机芯支架价格详细说明

What are the details of customizing an electric dining table
1.打开和关闭时,机芯不会弹出。如果在设计前在门板上增加阻尼或防撞条,关闭时不会有噪音。  2.桌面的高度是经过仔细考虑的吗?台面过高或过低都会增加背部的负担,计算合理的高度会提高厨房的舒适度。
When opening and closing, the movement will not pop out. If damping or collision strips are added to the door panel before design, there will be no noise when closing. Is the height of the desktop carefully considered? If the counrtop is too high or too low, it will increase the burden on the back, and a reasonable height calculation will improve the comfort of the kitchen.
3.知道你属于哪种厨房布局吗?了解自己厨房的布局有助于使其合理规划,并能容纳更多的物品。  4.打开时不会碰到挂柜的机芯。打开吊柜机芯的方法有很多。选择适合您家庭身高的机芯,增加厨房的乐趣。
Do you know which kitchen layout you belong to? Understan the layout of one's own kitchen helps to plan it reasonably and accommoda more ims. 4. When opening, it will not touch the movement of the hanging cabinet. There are many ways to open the movement of the hanging cabinet. Choose a movement that suits your family's height and adds fun to the kitchen.
5.当你拿电动餐桌里的东西时,你不需要弯腰蹲下。如果你在电动餐桌中设计更多的拉抽屉,你将大大减少蹲起和劳动的次数。  6.你知道厨房里有哪五个区域吗?储藏区,存储区,清洗区,准备区和烹饪区分别是合理的规划,利用三角形工作空间的原理来节省更多的能量。
When you grab something from an electric dining table, you don't need to bend down and squat down. If you design more drawers in an electric dining table, you will greatly rece the number of squats and labor. Do you know which five areas are in the kitchen? The storage area, storage area, cleaning area, preparation area, and cooking area are each planned reasonably, utilizing the principle of triangular workspace to save more energy.
7.厨房的角落处理得熟练吗?厨房面积小,每个空间都要精心设计,这样会增加使用面积。  8.煎锅、调味瓶和抹布是否摆放在合适的位置?厨房里零散的物品可以通过各种五金挂件以节省空间的方式存放。
Are the corners of the kitchen handled proficiently? The kitchen area is small, and each space needs to be carefully designed to increase the usable area. Is the frying pan, seasoning bottle, and cloth placed in a suitable position? Scatred ims in the kitchen can be stored in a space saving manner through various hardware pendants.
9.厨房里有三种以上的拉篮子吗?厨房里不仅有一个超窄的拉篮子,还可以在炉子下面、发动机罩下面甚至冰箱旁边设计不同的拉篮子,使厨房设计更加合适。  10.在选择了台面和木板后,你是否选择了舒适和方便产品?如果你想让厨房更人性化,仅仅有工作台面和盘子是不够的。考虑食物垃圾处理器产品的配置非常重要。
Are there more than three types of pull baskets in the kitchen? In the kitchen, there is not only an ultra narrow pull basket, but also different pull baskets can be designed under the stove, under the hood, and even next to the refrigerator, making the kitchen design more suitable. Afr choosing the counrtop and wooden board, have you chosen a comfortable and convenient proct? If you want to make the kitchen more humane, just having a counrtop and plas is not enough. It is important to consider the configuration of food was disposal procts.

买家用电磁炉电动转盘定制 实木餐桌机芯支架价格的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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