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现代风格圆形餐桌 电动餐桌调试安装

现代风格圆形餐桌	电动餐桌调试安装

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现代风格圆形餐桌 电动餐桌调试安装配置参数

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现代风格圆形餐桌 电动餐桌调试安装详细说明

The guest room hol furniture set includes a bed, bedside table, dressing table, multi drawer cabinet, TV cabinet, wardrobe, multi-purpose cabinet, etc. There are two main styles of beds, one is the bed board (referred to as a panelbed in English); Another type is a sled bed (also known as a sled bed in English). In addition, there is a high-end bed called a pineapple bed, which is a branch of the bed board. Its high-end features are mainly reflecd in the bed and window heads, which are tall, stylish, and beautiful. Customers mainly place orders for beds, bedside tables, and dressing tables. Among them, most of the beds are sled beds. Next are TV cabinets and multi drawer cabinets. And influenced by historical background, culture and art, proction chnology, and lifestyle habits, there are various styles of furniture in guest rooms and hols, with each point being different. What are the key points to introce American style hol furniture?
American style hol room furniture is a popular style of solid wood hol furniture nowadays. It is a simple and modern American style with distinct personalities and colors, which is where its style lies. American hol furniture, e to its emphasis on comfort and usually large size, is suitable for larger sui spaces. If the space area is small, choosing American hol furniture will appear more narrow and crowded. Therefore, American style hol furniture styles are ofn used in high-end hol suis. The same decoration, afr years of development and experience, ingras various decorative elements into a diverse style.
这些年来所倡导的简约风格,因为加入了现代风格的元素,可再分为简约美式,轻奢美式,古典美式等等。  美式家具的形成有其有的欧美风情和品位,其主要点是复古和回归自然,充分显现木材本色的点,融合了人类向往自然,回归自然的心理需求。  从产品的结构上说,整体结构不可拆装,所以很少有金属件,除门合叶、磁碰和拉手外,几乎不用其它配件,框体结构主要用结构方相联,抽屉盒结构采用燕尾榫,沿袭了中国传统家具的制作方法,别是抽屉滑道,采用中央滑道,高档的产品滑道用木质的结构,非常贴近自然。
The minimalist style advocad over the years, with the addition of modern elements, can be further divided into minimalist American, luxurious American, classical American, and so on. The formation of American furniture has its own European and American style and tas, with its main points being retro and returning to nature, fully showcasing the essence of wood, and ingrating the psychological needs of human yearning for nature and returning to nature. From the structure of the proct, the overall structure is not removable, so there are few metal parts. Except for door hinges, magnetic touch and handle, there are almost no other accessories. The frame structure is mainly connecd by the structural square. The drawer box structure uses dovetail joint non, which follows the proction method of traditional Chinese furniture, especially the drawer slide. The central slide is used. The high-grade proct slide uses a wooden structure, which is very close to nature.

买现代风格圆形餐桌 电动餐桌调试安装的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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