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香河实木电动餐桌 电动酒店餐桌尺寸规格

香河实木电动餐桌	电动酒店餐桌尺寸规格

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香河实木电动餐桌 电动酒店餐桌尺寸规格配置参数

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香河实木电动餐桌 电动酒店餐桌尺寸规格详细说明

板式家具的外观设计变化更多,更具个性,所以板式酒店家具在当今市场上发展迅猛。下面佛山岚慧酒店家具定制厂家为您分享如何选购和保养板式酒店家具的技巧?  选购板式酒店家具技巧:
The appearance design of panel furniture has undergone more changes and become more personalized, so panel hol furniture is developing rapidly in the current market. Below, the furniture customization manufacturer of Foshan Lanhui Hol will share with you the tips on how to purchase and maintain panel hol furniture? Tips for purchasing panel style hol furniture:
1、看表面质量:看表面的板材是否有划痕、压痕、鼓泡、脱胶、起皮和胶痕迹等缺陷不样的不能选购。木纹图案是否自然流畅,有能有人工造作的感觉。对于对称的家具,更要注意板面色彩和纹路的一致性、和谐性,让人感到如同出自一块材料。  2、看制作质量:板式家具是将成型的板材经过裁锯、装饰封边、部件拼装组合而成的,其制作质量主要看裁锯质量、边和面的装饰质量、板件端口质量。
1. Check the surface quality: Check if the surface of the board has defects such as scratches, indentations, blisrs, debon, peeling, and adhesive marks, which are not suitable for purchase. Is the wood grain patrn natural and smooth, with a sense of artificial craftsmanship. For symmetrical furniture, it is even more important to pay atntion to the consisncy and harmony of panel colors and patrns, making people feel like they are made of the same marial. 2. Judging by proction quality: Panel furniture is formed by cutting and sawing, decorating and sealing edges, and assembling components. Its proction quality mainly depends on the cutting and sawing quality, edge and surface decoration quality, and panel port quality.

The board used for making panel furniture has quality requirements for the flatness, verticality, and angle of the board components ring sawing. Generally speaking, the sawing error of the board is within 0.01 millimers per mer. Afr meeting the requirements of * *, the edge profile of the board is flat and the angle is good. Afr making furniture, there will be no tilting of the board. The accuracy of the saw blade in cutting also affects the quality of the end face and edge of the board.
Sawing defects such as scratches, chipping, and corners can also affect the appearance quality of panel furniture. The decoration of edges and surfaces mainly depends on whether the adhesive is evenly applied to the decorative components, whether the bon is firm, whether the trimming is flat and smooth, whether the components such as side panels, door panels, drawer panels, etc., and whether the visible component end faces at the lower opening have been sealed, and no traces of bon can be felt on the edges of well decorad boards.
拼装组合主要看钻孔处企口是否精致、整齐;连接件安装后是否牢固;平面与端面连接后T形缝有没有间隙,用手推动有没有松动现象;门、抽屉的分缝间隙是否过大,一般要求在1-2毫米之间;门和抽屉的开启推动是否灵活自如等。  保养板式家具的技巧:  1、板式酒店家具是用各种不同规格的板材拼装而成,其物理性能比较稳定,具有坚固、耐用的性,但不不能因此就让板材的受力过重,否则依然会产生变形等问题。不要让板式家具长期在阳光中暴晒,否则表面易起气泡或产生裂纹。

买香河实木电动餐桌 电动酒店餐桌尺寸规格的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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