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遥控电动餐桌 玻璃转盘酒店家具工厂

遥控电动餐桌	玻璃转盘酒店家具工厂

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遥控电动餐桌 玻璃转盘酒店家具工厂配置参数

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材质 功率 电源 工艺
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遥控电动餐桌 玻璃转盘酒店家具工厂详细说明

How to Identify the True Face of Furniture Supplies in Foshan Hols - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
When choosing furniture procts for Foshan hols, we can focus on the following aspects:
现在有很多酒店在佛山酒店家具的选择上都选用定制的方式,逐渐摒弃了以前那种单纯靠采购酒店家具的模式,那么这样做到底有什么优点呢?  酒店家具是酒店工程项目,酒店工程项目设计时与室内环境时行的配套设计,需要直接考虑室内功能和环境的融洽,另外,根据星级要求标准不同,风格要求不同而不同,酒店家具一般包括酒店客房家具,酒店客厅家具,酒店餐厅家具,公共区域酒店家具,会议酒店家具等。
Nowadays, many hols in Foshan choose customized furniture, graally abandoning the previous model of relying solely on purchasing hol furniture. So what are the advantages of doing so? Hol furniture is a hol engineering project. When designing a hol engineering project, it is necessary to directly consider the harmony between indoor function and environment. In addition, accor to different star rating standards and style requirements, hol furniture generally includes hol room furniture, hol living room furniture, hol restaurant furniture, public area hol furniture, conference hol furniture, etc.
Hol room hol furniture can be divided into standard sui hol furniture, business sui hol furniture, and presidential sui hol furniture. This article focuses on discussing the hol room hol furniture that accounts for a significant proportion of hol furniture. Generally speaking, the functional requirements of hol room furniture are similar to the composition of hol furniture. Relatively speaking, it is generally composed of the following hol furniture:
The hol consists of a bed set, dressing table, bedside table, luggage cabinet, TV cabinet, leisure chair, coffee table, etc. Wardrobes are generally compled on-si by decoration companies.
1外观质量  外观质量首先要求家具台面平整,做工精细,装饰细腻,纹理清晰美观。客房家具通常使用刨花板,中密度纤维板,细木工板,层压板等几种作为基材,使用薄木,木单板,三夹板作为覆面材料。不同的基材和覆面材料其材料00性也各不相同,不注意材料的00性和正确的使用方法,常常会导致板件的翘曲。
1. Appearance quality: The first requirement for appearance quality is that the furniture counrtop is flat, the workmanship is fine, the decoration is delica, and the xture is clear and beautiful. Guestroom furniture usually uses particle board, medium density fiberboard, blockboard, laminad board and other marials as base marials, and uses thin wood, wood veneer and plywood as clad marials. Different substras and clad marials have different marial properties. Failure to pay atntion to the marial properties and correct usage ofn leads to warping of the panel.
2. Marial quality: The moisture connt of furniture in Foshan hols should not exceed 12%. If the moisture connt is high, the wood is prone to warping and deformation. When general consumers purchase, without sting instruments, they can use hand touch to touch the bottom or unpaind areas of hol furniture. If they feel damp, the moisture connt should be at least 50% or above, and they cannot use it at all. Another solution is to sprinkle a little war on the unpaind area of the wood. If it sinks slowly or does not sink, it indicas a high moisture connt.
3运输安装  酒店楼层一般较高,要求家具重量轻便于运输。00别是有些连体床背、有些加长写字台,电梯不能运输,货梯一般在家具安装时已经拆除,如何安全运输,从材料重量与结构上需00别考虑。
Hol floors are generally high for transportation and installation, requiring furniture to be lightweight and easy to transport. There are some connecd bed backs and some exnded desks that cannot be transpord by elevators. Goods elevators are usually removed ring furniture installation. How to safely transport them depends on the marial weight and structure.
4安全性能  一般酒店没有明确的甲醛游离量的规定,但有家具防火要求在酒店允许的情况下某些部位可以使用防火板、防烫油漆、阻燃面料等。高档酒店甚至要求制作家具的木材经过防火处理。
4. Safety performance: Generally, hols do not have clear regulations on the amount of formaldehyde free, but there are fire proction requirements for furniture. If allowed by the hol, certain parts can use fireproof boards, anti scald paint, flame retardant fabrics, etc. Upscale hols even require the wood used to make furniture to undergo fire proction treatment.
The factors mentioned above need to be comprehensively considered for cross application in practical applications, so that the hol furniture purchased by buyers not only meets the functional requirements of hol furniture but also meets the people-oriend comfort requirements of high-end hols.

买遥控电动餐桌 玻璃转盘酒店家具工厂的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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