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圆桌电动转盘图片 电动餐桌遥控器

圆桌电动转盘图片	电动餐桌遥控器

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圆桌电动转盘图片 电动餐桌遥控器配置参数

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圆桌电动转盘图片 电动餐桌遥控器详细说明

Specification 00 for hotel furniture mattresses - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
The specifications of hotel furniture mattresses are generally determined by the width and thickness according to the actual situation, while the length is fixed by two meters. However, the structure of the mattress is particularly crucial. The general specifications are as follows: 00 Vertical Bag Spring System&ndash& Flash; Individually retract according to body shape, providing considerate support. The spring is made of anti-corrosion and moisture-proof fiber cloth and sealed with ultrasonic waves to make a bag.
100% natural latex cushion&flash& Flash; Long lasting elasticity, suitable support for various parts of the body, maintaining the natural curve of the spine. Natural Sensory Cotton&ndash& Flash; Effectively release stress and make your sleep more relaxed. Eggshell type cushioning latex layer&flash& Flash; Can accurately respond to weak body pressure and ensure a sweet sleep. All weather software border design&# 8217& Flash;
Bringing 360 degree professional care. Treasure Box Type Cushion - Luxury Cushion&# 8217& Flash; Noble and superior, with ultimate enjoyment. European premium brocade fabric&# 8217& Flash; Effectively prevent dust and bacterial growth&# 10103 Cosiflex® Ultimate Spring System&ndash& Flash; Accurately respond to any pressure, with long-lasting elasticity and uniform bearing capacity. 8000 breathable channels&# 8217& Flash; Make the air inside the mattress circulate, dissipate heat and moisture-proof, clean and dry. European Cotton Top Fabric&# 8217& Flash; Through insect and bacterial prevention
防螨及防火处理,配以防火海绵裥花层,不但有效防止尘埃和细菌滋生。❸、精钢弹簧系统——经高温整体热处理,拉力强劲,提供足够的承托填充垫层——经红外线处理,使床垫既舒适又环保。欧陆全棉面布——经防虫、防菌、防螨及防火处理。   防火海绵裥花层——有效防止尘埃和细菌滋生。
Anti mite and fire treatment, combined with a fireproof sponge layer, not only effectively prevents dust and bacterial growth&# 10104 Precision Steel Spring System&# 8217& Flash; After high-temperature overall heat treatment, the tensile strength is strong, providing sufficient support to fill the cushion layer& Flash; After infrared treatment, the mattress is both comfortable and environmentally friendly. European Cotton Top Fabric&# 8217& Flash; After being treated with insect, bacterial, mite, and fire prevention measures. Fireproof sponge pleated layer&flash& Flash; Effectively prevent dust and bacterial growth.

买圆桌电动转盘图片 电动餐桌遥控器的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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