A friend who has just started using customized cigarette controllers from manufacturers for wholesale equipment may look confused. Such a dead object can even make a sound and move on its own, what the hell! So what's going on here? Is there a quality issue with the hot pot tables and chairs? Actually not!
The manufacturer of solid wood hotpot tables stated that it is a normal phenomenon for manufacturers to customize cigarette controllers and wholesale equipment to sound, and it is not a quality issue for manufacturers to customize cigarette controllers and wholesale equipment. As for normal hotpot tables and chairs that may make noise, let's take a look at the reasons together< Summer is coming, and if you pay close attention, you can often hear the "click" sound of customized cigarette controllers and wholesale equipment from your own store's manufacturers.
In fact, this is due to the "woodiness" of customized cigarette controllers and wholesale equipment by manufacturers. Any solid wood will inevitably experience swelling with changes in external temperature and humidity environment, resulting in noise.
Of course, in general, if the manufacturer customizes custom cigarette controllers and wholesale equipment deformation is not severe, it will not affect the quality of the hot pot tables and chairs. However, in order not to affect the normal use of hot pot tables and chairs, when it is found that the manufacturer's customized cigarette controller or wholesale equipment in the store is noisy, it is necessary to adjust the environment inside the hot pot store in a timely manner (with a focus on humidity and temperature), and regularly maintain the hot pot tables and chairs.
Customized cigarette controllers from manufacturers often cause noise in wholesale equipment during seasonal changes, as well as when dining tables and chairs are transported from place A to place B, and the environmental differences between the two places are significant. In both cases, manufacturers can customize cigarette controllers and wholesale equipment due to sudden changes in the external environment. In order to adapt to the new environment, the hot pot tables and chairs have undergone slight changes in their design structure, resulting in noise.

It is precisely for this reason that when purchasing customized cigarette controllers or wholesale equipment from manufacturers, customers generally need to inquire about the origin. In cities in the north, purchasing customized cigarette controllers or wholesale equipment from manufacturers is recommended to choose factories in the north. At least, it is necessary to ensure that the wood used for making hot pot tables and chairs is produced from the north; The same goes for southern hot pot restaurants. In fact, in addition to the above reasons, there is another situation where manufacturers can customize cigarette controllers and wholesale equipment, which may also sound. That is the wholesale equipment for newly purchased or refurbished manufacturers to customize cigarette controllers. Newly manufactured manufacturers need some time to adapt to the new environment by customizing cigarette controllers and wholesale equipment, which can also cause noise. Of course, most of this noise comes from the mortise and tenon parts of the hot pot tables and chairs.