How o choose a soli woo elecric ining able
he soli woo elecric ining able is a symbol of class an saus in he mins of many friens, bu now many friens o no know how o purchase a ruly high-qualiy soli woo elecric ining able. In fac, wha we refer o as a soli woo elecric ining able refers o an elecric ining able mae of whole logs an hen coae wih varnish. How o choose a soli woo elecric ining able?
1、判断实木材料。判断实木实木电动餐台方法好的方法是看木纹和节。看木纹图案:比如机芯的外观上有一个图案,然后图案的位置会发生变化。看机芯背面对应的图案。如果沟通好了,电动餐桌五金白色烤漆 合肥电动桌颜色选择原来是纯实木机芯。看疤痕的边缘,找到另一边对应的图案。
1. eermine he soli woo maerial. he goo way o uge he soli woo elecric ining able is o look a he woo grain an knos. Look a he woo grain paern: For example, here is a paern on he appearance of he movemen, an he posiion of he paern will change. Look a he corresponing paern on he back of he movemen. If communicaion is goo, i urns ou o be a pure soli woo movemen. Look a he ege of he scar an fin he corresponing paern on he oher sie.
2.确定实木质量产品。观察木材是否干燥洁白,质地是否致密细腻。如果有刨花板、中密度纤维板、一次性模压板等制成的电动餐桌。打开门或抽屉,闻闻是否有刺鼻气味。 3.观察木材缺陷。房屋的主要受力部位是柱子和连接柱子与地面的承重横杆。不应有大的结、裂缝或裂痕。结构牢固,框架不松动,不允许折断或折断。电动餐桌中使用的木质面板组件应该被边缘化。各种配件的安装不宜过小,缺钉或漏钉。
2. eermine he qualiy of soli woo proucs. Observe wheher he woo is ry an whie, an wheher he exure is ense an elicae. If here are elecric ining ables mae of paricle boar, meium ensiy fiberboar, isposable mole boar, ec. Open he oor or rawer an smell for a pungen oor. 3. Observe woo efecs. he main loa-bearing pars of a house are colu电动餐桌五金白色烤漆 合肥电动桌颜色选择mns an loa-bearing crossbars ha connec he columns o he groun. here shoul be no large knos, cracks, or cracks. he srucure is firm, he frame is no loose, an i is no allowe o break or break. he wooen panel componens use in elecric ining ables shoul be marginalie. he insallaion of various accessories shoul no be oo small, wih missing or missing nails.
4. Panel maerial. Press he boar surface wih your han o feel is firmness. here is a well shape skeleon on one sie of he maerial o secure i. If he skeleon is sparse, he surface will feel hollow an 电动餐桌五金白色烤漆 合肥电动桌颜色选择false, an he panel will vibrae grealy. he boom of he rawer shoul also be presse by han. ry your srengh. Generally speaking, he boom of he baffle is muli-layer. he large area pariion aops five layers of boars. he oor an rawer swiches mus be flexible. When he panel is covere wih maerials such as veneer, i shoul be similar in color o he enire se. he surface pain film shoul be free of wrinkles, sickiness, an pain leakage.
5.稳定性和安全性。木制电动餐桌要安全稳定。首先要看是否有抽屉,门框是否倾斜,眼窝是否变形,眼孔是否过大,锄头是否不严,导致眼位偏差。两扇门打开90度后,手可以轻轻向前拉,柜子不能自动前倾;书机芯玻璃要镶边;梳妆镜、梳妆台要装背板,玻璃面要固定珠子。电动餐桌的所有部分,如腿、抽屉、门和支架,都必须得到充电动餐桌五金白色烤漆 合肥电动桌颜色选择分的支撑。你可以轻轻推一下电动餐桌的上角,或者坐下来看看是否牢固。
5. Sabiliy an safey. Wooen elecric ining ables shoul be safe an sable. Firsly, i is necessary o check wheher here are rawers, wheher he oor frame is ile, wheher he eye sockes are eforme, wheher he eyeles are oo large, an wheher he hoe is no igh, which may cause eye posiion eviaion. Afer opening he wo oors 90 egrees, he han can be genly pulle forwar, an he cabine canno auomaically il forwar; he book movemen glass nees o be ege; he ressing mirror an ressing able shoul be equippe wih a back panel, an he glass surface shoul be fixe wih beas. All pars of he elecric ining able, such as legs, rawers, oors, an brackes, mus be aequaely suppore. You can genly push he upper corner of he elecric ining able, or si own o see if i is secure.
6.电动餐桌详情产品。接口轨,燕尾接头或蝶形接头。重型电动餐桌可以用保护块拧到角落里,然后粘在一起。至于底板,检查是否配合良好,螺丝是否完好。抽屉要牢固,里面的螺丝要拧紧。拉出抽屉、活动桌、机芯等部件,确保自由正确使用。把电动餐桌倒过来,看看是怎么做的。至于桌子,从下面查。检查接缝是否用螺钉和楔子加固,板条是否固定在横梁上,接缝处是否有多余的胶水和填料。 7.表面光滑度。仔细检查抛光表面是否光滑,e别注意避免抬脚、颜料涂层有条纹、边角电动餐桌五金白色烤漆 合肥电动桌颜色选择颜料过厚、裂纹或气泡等部位粗糙。
6. eails of elecric ining able proucs. Inerface rail, oveail oin or buerfly oin. Heavy uy elecric ining ables can be screwe ino corners wih proecive blocks an hen glue ogeher. As for he boom plae, check if i fis well an if he screws are inac. he rawer shoul be secure an he screws insie shoul be ighene. Pull ou rawers, aciviy ables, movemens, an oher componens o ensure free an correc use. urn he elecric ining able upsie own an see how i is mae. As for he able, check from below. Check wheher he oin is reinforce wih screws an weges, wheher he Fla nooles is fixe on he beam, an wheher here is excess glue an filler a he oin. 7. Surface smoohness. Carefully check wheher he polishe surface is smooh, an be careful o avoi rough areas such as raise fee, sreaks in he pigmen coaing, hick eges an corners, cracks or bubbles.