一般来说桌的上漆着色技术分为两种,底擦漆和修面漆,自动转盘实木箱体定制 家用小蛮腰餐桌转盘一件色彩通透明快的老榆木家具都是通过这两种技术来实现的,如果只用修面漆来做的话,那么海南定制除烟电机排行榜桌椅家具的表面不会这么透明有光泽。一般来说,一件家具的漆色美不美观是要通过80%的底擦色来体现,色彩不够部分通过面修色来实现。如果桌全部用面修色来体现的化,会使得整个漆面色彩朦胧,没有通透感和光泽度。
Generally speaking, there are two types of painting and coloring techniques for tables: bottom coat paint and finishing paint. A piece of transparent and fast colored old elm furniture is achieved through these two techniques. If only finishing paint is used, the surface of Hainan custom smoke removal motor ranking table and chair furniture will not be so transparent and glossy. Generally speaking, the beauty of a piece of furniture's paint color is reflected through 80% of the base color, and the insufficient color is achieved through surface finishing. If the table is fully decorated with surface color, it will make the entire paint surface color hazy, lacking transparency and glossiness.
Below the table, we will analyze the painting techniques and steps for the table:
1: Polish the base layer, use sandpaper from coarse to fine to polish the surface of the furniture, smooth and polish it, clean it with a damp cloth, and brush it with a layer of varnish (add dilution overnight, the paint film will dry quickly).
2:满刮一遍腻子,砂纸磨光自动转盘实木箱体定制 家用小蛮腰餐桌转盘,木结构工艺缝均应嵌入灰腻子,需要压实,并在干燥后打磨光滑;
2: Apply a full layer of putty, sand it smooth, and embed the gray putty into the wooden structure process joints. It needs to be compacted and polished smooth after drying;
3: Brush two coats of varnish and polish with fine sandpaper;
4: Brush the third coat of varnish and then polish it. If you want to achieve a high transparency of the paint color, apply an additional coat of paint, then wax and polish it. Pay attention to using high transparency Grace and pure rosin to apply the base color. When wiping, wipe along the direction of the wood grain and use a clean cotton cloth to wipe off any remaining Grace on the surface of the material. After wiping the colored material board, a自动转盘实木箱体定制 家用小蛮腰餐桌转盘ir it for more than 4 hours at high temperatures in summer and 6 hours at low temperatures in winter.
The purpose of fully drying Hainan customized sm自动转盘实木箱体定制 家用小蛮腰餐桌转盘oke removal motor ranking list is to let the residual pine perfume in the plate volatilize clean, so that the smell will become lower after the surface is painted. If we do not properly dry and use such wood to make furniture, then during our use, especially in different regions, the moisture content of the air in different places will be different, which can cause deformation, shortening, and cracking of the furniture. If these serious issues occur, the furniture will either break down or be difficult to repair.