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电动圆桌批发 深圳电动餐台价格及图片

电动圆桌批发 深圳电动餐台价格及图片

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电动圆桌批发 深圳电动餐台价格及图片配置参数

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电动圆桌批发 深圳电动餐台价格及图片详细说明

电动圆桌批发 深圳电动餐台价格及图片
Wholesale price and pictures of Foshan electric dining tables for electric round tables
With the arrival of July, the rainy season in the south has also entered a severe period, and the humidity at home has become very heavy. At this time, not only will the human body feel uncomfortable, but even your beloved solid wood electric table electric dining table is also unbearable. For example, solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables are more susceptible to moisture invasion, and wood is prone to swelling and mold when wet.
Therefore, during the rainy season, the solid wood electric table and electric dining table should be placed about 1 cm away from the wall to avoid absorbing too much moisture during the wet season. In addition, electric dining tables should be regularly waxed, with a special layer of electric dining table paste wax applied every 6-12 months.
Before waxing, the old wax should be wiped off with mild non alkaline soap water. If you encounter mold on the electric dining table of a solid wood electric table, you can first use a clean soft cloth dipped in a neutral cleaner or a special cleaning agent for the electric dining table to remove it.
Then gently apply a layer of electric dining table wax or electric dining table specific essential oil to the moldy area, and place a piece of soap or a gauze bag filled with dried tea leaves in the area with a moldy smell to help eliminate the moldy smell.
The author of Yuelingfeng Electric Dining Table Factory reminds you that during the rainy season, whether it is the solid wood electric table or the electric tabletop items at home, they will directly affect the health of your family. Please maintain indoor ventilation and air dry the household items.

买电动圆桌批发 深圳电动餐台价格及图片的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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