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电动火锅桌大型图片 人造大理石电动餐桌

电动火锅桌大型图片  人造大理石电动餐桌

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电动火锅桌大型图片 人造大理石电动餐桌配置参数

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电动火锅桌大型图片 人造大理石电动餐桌详细说明

电动火锅桌大型图片  人造大理石电动餐桌
In Chinese, new Chinese, or classical decoration, many users will choose solid wood electric tables and dining tables to decorate the space. This type of electric dining table is not only environmentally friendly, beautiful, and upscale, but also has good durability and long service life. Many good solid wood electric dining tables can be used for a hundred years. The use of solid wood electric dining tables requires appropriate maintenance in order to give them a longer service life.
What are the methods? Let's take this question with us and learn about the method together! Although electric dining tables made of this material have good durability, in order to have better aesthetics and decorative effects, we must handle them gently when using, transporting, and moving them.
Especially during the transportation process, we should try our best to maintain balance, pay attention to its surrounding corners from time to time, avoid hitting it, and avoid damage to the corners and surface.
When we place it, we must be stable. When encountering uneven areas, we can first use some padding to maintain stability. Avoid direct sunlight. It is recommended that when placing it, try not to place it by the window or in areas with direct sunlight. If it is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the paint layer on its surface will fade due to strong ultraviolet radiation, which will affect the overall aesthetics of the solid wood electric table and dining table.
If heating is installed or other heating devices are used at home, we should also keep the solid wood electric dining table away from heat sources to avoid cracking, which will affect its service life.
Using the correct cleaning method, this type of electric dining table can accumulate dust and stains around its surface if used for a long time. For minor stains, we can wring a damp cloth to dry and wipe it off, or we can use a specialized cleaning agent for electric dining tables to effectively remove the stains without damaging the solid wood electric dining table.
As for water marks, there is no need to worry as they usually take some time to disappear. If it still hasn't disappeared after a month, we can use a clean soft cloth coated with a small amount of salad oil or mayonnaise to wipe along the wood grain direction at the water mark; Alternatively, we can cover the mark with a damp cloth and carefully press the damp cloth several times with an electric iron to fade the mark.

买电动火锅桌大型图片 人造大理石电动餐桌的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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