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圆桌餐桌规格 如何分辨实木电动桌

圆桌餐桌规格  如何分辨实木电动桌

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圆桌餐桌规格 如何分辨实木电动桌详细说明

圆桌餐桌规格  如何分辨实木电动桌
How to distinguish between genuine and fake solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables
Solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables have always been a long-standing topic in decoration. People from different eras have slightly different impressions of solid wood electric tables. The reason why solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables still hold a significant position in the current industrial development is because solid wood electric table materials do have certain advantages compared to other artificial materials.
For example, the "health" and "environmental protection" that everyone cares about compare solid wood electric desks with the commonly used artificial board board on the market - particle board, which is commonly referred to by businesses; One is to press various types of sawdust with glue, and the other is a section of a large tree that has been growing for decades or even hundreds of years.
Which one to choose is clear at a glance, the solid electric table wood has a good texture, good materials, and is healthy! Of course, solid wood electric tables have many other advantages, such as practicality, aesthetics, preservation, durability, and unparalleled texture. Choosing a good solid wood electric table with an electric dining table for decades is not a problem, and I won't explain it in detail here because solid wood electric tables have many advantages, which also leads to many confusion in the market under the guise of solid wood electric dining tables, So today we will talk about what to pay attention to when purchasing a solid wood electric table and electric dining table.
Is it true that solid wood electric table boards ≠ pure solid wood electric table boards? Many merchants will confidently hold solid wood electric table multi layer boards and introduce to customers that "they are all solid wood electric tables." If you have some understanding and find that they are multi layer boards, they will tell you that "these are solid wood electric table multi layer boards/solid wood electric table particle boards, which are all pressed out of solid wood electric tables, the same".
Of course, it's not that solid wood electric tables with multiple layers or solid wood electric table particle boards are not good, but if you want to buy pure solid wood electric table electric dining tables, you should know that many merchants' real wood electric tables and what we call pure solid wood electric tables are not the same, after all, solid wood electric table boards also belong to the category of boards. Solid wood electric table veneer ≠ pure solid wood electric table veneer. There are many electric dining tables that, at first glance, have a wood grain. Beginner players will think that this grain must be a solid wood electric table veneer, but in fact, it may be a solid wood electric table veneer.
d texture changes are common. For example, the picture of a ten bucket table below. If the large area panel of the solid wood electric table electric dining table that you are interested in does not have color or texture differences, it is necessary to investigate whether the cross-sectional area can be coherent or whether the texture of the front and back sides of the board is consistent.
After all, the solid wood electric table and the leather electric dining table not only look like a solid wood electric table on the outside, but are actually made of glued artificial boards on the inside. There is still no comparison with a pure solid wood electric table

买圆桌餐桌规格 如何分辨实木电动桌的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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