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16人电动圆桌尺寸 2.6米餐桌价格-佛山岚慧电动餐

16人电动圆桌尺寸  2.6米餐桌价格-佛山岚慧电动餐

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咨询16人电动圆桌尺寸 2.6米餐桌价格-佛山岚慧电动餐订购热线

16人电动圆桌尺寸 2.6米餐桌价格-佛山岚慧电动餐配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

16人电动圆桌尺寸 2.6米餐桌价格-佛山岚慧电动餐详细说明

16人电动圆桌尺寸  2.6米餐桌价格-佛山岚慧电动餐桌
The whole house customization price should be calculated like this - Foshan Lanhui Electric Dining Table
Firstly, we need to understand that as it is personalized customization, the price is different from that of finished electric dining tables. Customized electric dining tables are inherently more expensive than finished electric dining tables.
Cabinet products are a key aspect of customizing electric dining tables and are also a concern for users. When calculating prices, they are calculated based on the projected area. For example, when customizing a dining table as shown in the picture, users only need to know the length and height of the front of the dining table to calculate the area of the dining table, and then multiply it by the unit price per square meter.
Usually, tables, shoe cabinets, bookcases, wine cabinets, cloakrooms, etc. are priced according to this method. If there are different shapes (such as lines, Roman columns, etc.), the price will be calculated separately.
一、桌椅类产品价格算法  有些用户对餐厅的餐桌规格有殊要求,市面上买不到合适的,于是只能考虑定做了。餐桌的话,通常是按长度进行算价的,用户只要用餐桌的长度乘以每米的单价就可以算出餐桌的价格了;餐椅的算价就更简单了,一般是按数量进行计价的,不同的木材价格不同。
1、 Some users have specific requirements for the dining table specifications of tables and chairs, and they cannot find suitable ones on the market. Therefore, they can only consider customizing them. For dining tables, they are usually priced based on their length. Users can simply multiply the length of the dining table by the unit price per meter to calculate the price of the dining table; The pricing of dining chairs is even simpler, usually based on quantity, and different wood prices vary.
In addition, desks, TV cabinets, etc. are also priced based on length, similar to a dining table.
二、实木床价格算法  全屋定制电动餐桌跟柜类产品比起来,实木床算价就简单许多了,一般是按床的规格(1.2m/1.5m/1.8m)来算价的。如果用户需要定做殊规格的床,不足标准规格按标准规格的价格来算,如果超出的话,也只是示意性地收点材料的费用。
2、 Compared to cabinet products, the pricing algorithm for customized electric dining tables made of solid wood beds is much simpler. Generally, the price is calculated based on the bed specifications (1.2m/1.5m/1.8m). If the user needs to customize a bed of different specifications, if the standard specifications are not met, the price will be calculated based on the standard specifications. If the standard specifications are exceeded, it will only be a schematic charge for the materials.

买16人电动圆桌尺寸 2.6米餐桌价格-佛山岚慧电动餐的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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