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品牌意式餐桌 火锅用的自动旋转餐桌

品牌意式餐桌  火锅用的自动旋转餐桌

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品牌意式餐桌 火锅用的自动旋转餐桌详细说明

品牌意式餐桌  火锅用的自动旋转餐桌
On the basis of independent research and development, the furniture store of the dining table turntable accessories continuously draws on advanced technology from both domestic and foreign sources. The solid wood Chongqing Henan electric dining table is constantly innovating, and its superior products have been unanimously recognized by all sectors of society, bringing comfortable, comfortable, and fashionable product enjoyment to the dining table turntable accessories price store and restaurant.
重庆河南电动餐桌哪家好材说明: 1.实木优势:地均匀,表面深浅自然纹理,清晰透气。 2.自然健康:无有害刺激气味,散发淡淡的木清香  3.坚固耐用:感好,硬度强,经久耐磨,承载力好
Which is the best material for Chongqing Henan electric dining table? Explanation: 1. Advantages of solid wood: even ground, natural texture on the surface, clear and breathable. 2. Natural health: No harmful and irritating odor, emitting a faint wooden fragrance. 3. Durable and sturdy: Good sensation, strong hardness, long-lasting wear resistance, and good load-bearing capacity
4.即使在及干燥的北方也不容易开裂  5.古典中式,给您不一样的餐厅环境 重庆河南电动餐桌哪家好保养方法: 1.表面要经常保持清洁、防止污染而产生霉斑。如发现霉斑,应将产品搬到通风处,并在有霉斑的地方用电烫斗烫2-3分钟,直至霉斑消失为止;
4. Even in the dry north, it is not easy to crack. 5. Classical Chinese style, providing you with a different restaurant environment. Which is the best maintenance method for Chongqing Henan electric dining table? 1. The surface should be kept clean regularly to prevent pollution and mold spots. If mold is found, the product should be moved to a ventilated area and heated with an electric iron for 2-3 minutes in areas with mold until the mold disappears;
2. When tea falls on the surface of the product, it should be wiped off in a timely manner, otherwise it will leave unsightly stains over time. If there are stains, you can sprinkle some water on the surface of the product, wipe it with tin foil, and then scrub it with water to remove the stains;
3. Avoid burning, as it may leave burnt marks. If the burnt marks are only on the surface, you can wrap a layer of hard cloth on the toothpick and gently wipe the marks, then apply a layer of wax to remove the burnt marks;
4. Avoid exposure to sunlight and rain. Due to the tendency of edge sealing seams to crack, the substrate expands and deforms. If this situation occurs with the product, it can only be sent back to the factory for repair. The above is all the content introduced to you today. We will provide you with a detailed introduction of which electric dining table is good in Chongqing Henan, which one is good in Chongqing Henan, and how much it costs. If you need it, please call us.

买品牌意式餐桌 火锅用的自动旋转餐桌的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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