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简欧圆形餐桌 餐饮会所电动餐桌定制厂家—岚慧

简欧圆形餐桌  餐饮会所电动餐桌定制厂家—岚慧

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简欧圆形餐桌 餐饮会所电动餐桌定制厂家—岚慧配置参数

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简欧圆形餐桌 餐饮会所电动餐桌定制厂家—岚慧详细说明

简欧圆形餐桌  餐饮会所电动餐桌定制厂家—岚慧电动餐桌-
Customized manufacturer of electric dining tables for catering clubs - Lanhui Electric Dining Table - 
Customized manufacturer of electric dining tables for catering clubs&# 8217; The Lanhui electric dining table, due to the generally high price of solid wood electric dining tables, is a symbol of class and status in the hearts of many friends. However, now many friends are not aware of the difference between solid wood electric dining tables and general plate electric dining tables, nor are they sure how to choose a truly high-quality solid wood electric dining table. In fact, what we believe is; Solid wood electric dining table” It refers to an electric dining table made from a whole sheet of raw wood, and then coated with a layer of varnish on the surface. Entering the store and listening to the salesperson's promotion, most of my friends are in a closed loop state. Many merchants are trying to promote their products, and in their eyes, anything that touches wood is" Solid wood electric dining table;. So, what Uncle wants to tell everyone today is, how should we choose a solid wood electric dining table? The Advantages and Disadvantages of Solid Wood Electric Dining Table: Solid wood electric dining table refers to an electric dining table made of natural wood without any artificial board and all materials have not been processed again.
Advantages: The raw materials are relatively environmentally friendly, and the service life is at least 5 times longer than that of a regular 3-5 year lifespan electric dining table.
Disadvantages: It is prone to deformation and difficult to maintain, such as not allowing direct sunlight, not being too cold or too hot, and being too dry or humid is not suitable for solid wood electric dining tables. Common solid wood electric dining tables are usually made of beech, white oak, ash, elm, catalpa, rubber, and oak wood. The more expensive mahogany electric dining tables mainly use rosewood, chicken wing wood, and a common type of pine wood in children's electric dining tables.
1. Beech wood: Strong hardness, comparable to mahogany. Produced in southern China, it is not very popular in the north, so it is also known as Nanyu. Not very expensive, but it is very common in the traditional electric dining tables of the Ming and Qing dynasties.
2. White oak: The texture is mountain shaped or radioactive, and it is wear-resistant. However, the wood is not easy to dry, sawn, and cut, making it difficult to process, easy to crack, and has different patterns.
3. Catalpa wood: The brown eye arrangement is flat and unadorned, with a dark color, soft texture, and little luster, but with low shrinkage and clear and delicate texture. It is generally used for door and table tops, and is often paired with Goryeo wood and walnut wood.
4. Rubber wood: With a large production capacity and environmentally friendly logs, it is suitable for producing products with beautiful shapes and soft curves. It has a light color and is easy to stain, and can accept all types of colors and coatings. It is easy to match the color tone of other types of wood.
5. Oak wood: The processing difficulty of oak wood is relatively high, but due to its dense structure, it is resistant to moisture and wear, with a straight texture and good coloring performance.
6. Pear wood: Pear wood is characterized by its resistance to cracking, deformation, processing, carving, clear texture, and aroma.
7. Chicken wing wood: Many low-quality chicken wing wood in the market are difficult to distinguish between true and false. Generally speaking, some chicken wing wood has white and black seals, while others have yellow and purple colors. The diagonal sawn wood grain is in the shape of fine flower clouds, similar to chicken wings.
8. Pine wood: Pine wood electric dining table has a generous design, strong elasticity and breathability, clear and beautiful texture, and is durable. It is defined as an environmentally friendly electric dining table. How to choose and judge the material? The best way to judge a solid wood electric dining table is to look at the wood grain and scar knots. Look at the wood pattern: For example, if a cabinet door has a pattern on its surface, corresponding to the position of the pattern change, look at the corresponding pattern on the back of the cabinet door. If the corresponding pattern is good, it proves to be a pure solid wood cabinet door. Look at the scar knot: Look at the location of the side with the scar, and then look for the corresponding pattern on the other side.
2、 Distinguish the quality and observe whether the wood is dry, white, and whether the texture is tight and delicate. If there is an electric dining table made of materials such as particle board, density board, and one-time molding board, open the door or drawer to smell if there is a pungent odor inside.
3、 The main load-bearing parts of a wooden defective home are the columns, and the load-bearing horizontal bars connecting the columns close to the ground should not have large scars, cracks, or cracks. The structure should be firm, the frame should not be loose, and tenon or material breakage is not allowed. The components of the artificial board used on the electric dining table should undergo edge sealing treatment, and the installation of various accessories should not be short of parts, missing nails, or through nails.
4、 The strength of the board surface can be felt by pressing it with your hand. One side of the material has a well shaped skeleton to fix it. If the skeleton is sparse, the surface will feel empty and not solid, and the panel will vibrate greatly. The bottom of the drawer also needs to be pressed by hand to test its strength. Generally, the bottom of the partition is mostly made of laminated boards, and larger partitions should be made of five layered boards. Cabinet doors and drawer switches must be flexible. When the panel is covered with thin wood and other materials, the color should be similar to that of the complete set of products, and the surface paint film of the product should not be wrinkled, sticky, or leaked.

买简欧圆形餐桌 餐饮会所电动餐桌定制厂家—岚慧的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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