定制电动餐台行业的现状和未来 4.8米电动餐桌价详细说明
定制电动餐台行业的现状和未来 4.8米电动餐桌价格
Current situation and future of customized electric dining table industry
After entering the 21st century, China's customized electric dining table industry has developed rapidly and has been recognized by the world. However, after the rapid development, there are many problems. What is the development path of customized electric dining table in the future? The era of meager profits has come. With the increasingly fierce market competition and the constant standardization of the marketing market, the era of huge profits in the customized electric dining table manufacturing industry has passed, followed by a meager profits era. In the past, the net profit was as high as 30% - 40%, or even more. Now, the general profit of enterprises is only 15% - 20%, while the profit of individual products of some enterprises is only 5% - 10%. The market competition mainly lies in these three aspects:
1)各种档次定制电动餐台产品的生产营销都出现了;巨头; 为了更好地适应市场的变化,越来越多的企业市场定位更加明确,他们在高档定制电动餐台行列占鳌头,或者以薄利多销占领中、低档定制电动餐台市场。这样,便于发挥自己所长,集中优势力量,攻击对手,发展自己。
1) The production and marketing of various customized electric dining table products have emerged; tycoon; In order to better adapt to the changes in the market, more and more enterprises have a clearer market positioning. They take the lead in the high-end customized electric dining table, or occupy the middle and low customized electric dining table market with small profits and high sales. In this way, it is convenient for us to give full play to our strengths, concentrate our strengths, attack our opponents and develop ourselves.
2)专业分工更加细致,领风骚 定制电动餐台生产正由大而全向专业化发展,有的生产酒店定制电动餐台,有的专做民用套房,也有的专做寝具、沙发等。分工更加明确,使得各领域的竞争加剧,他们赛品质、争价格、比服务,越来越白热化。
2) The professional division of labor is more detailed, and the production of the leading customized electric dining table is developing from large to full specialization. Some produce customized electric dining tables for hotels, some specialize in civil suites, and some specialize in bedding, sofa, etc. The division of labor is more clear, which intensifies the competition in various fields. They compete for quality, price and service.
3)诸侯割据,各霸一方 哪里有市场,哪里就有战场。因此,便形成了诸侯割据,各霸一方。因此会更加残酷、更加激烈、更加需要勇气和智慧,没有硝烟的战场比有硝烟的占场更难精彩。微利时代尤如一场寒流,它使那些管理不善,成本较高,只有暴利之下才有生存空间的企业面临被淘汰的危险,在饥寒交迫中被清除出局,目前,珠三角、长三角、佛山三大定制电动餐台基地很多定制电动餐台企业进入休眠休克状态甚至出局下马。而支持下来的企业,必须依靠完善内部管理,提高质量、降低成本去重新获得发展的机会;必须依靠生产、营销等方面的进一步调整而注入新的动力。
3) According to the feudal separatist regime, where there is a market, there is a battlefield. Therefore, a feudal separatist regime was formed, with each dominating the country. Therefore, it will be more cruel, more intense, and more courageous and intelligent. The battlefield without gunsmoke is more difficult and exciting than the battlefield with gunsmoke. The era of meager profits is like a cold current. It makes those enterprises with poor management, high costs, and only survival space under the windfall of profits face the danger of being eliminated, and are eliminated in the face of hunger and cold. At present, many customized electric dining table enterprises in the three major customized electric dining table bases in the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, and Foshan are in a state of dormancy shock or even out of the game. The supported enterprises must rely on improving internal management, improving quality and reducing costs to regain development opportunities; We must rely on further adjustments in production and marketing to inject new impetus.

What are the specific methods?
1) Differentiated operation is the main premise for survival and development. The limitations of the technology content and investment scale of the customized electric dining table industry have caused the industry to grow; The threshold is relatively low;, The layman is easy to become; A layman;.
And because there are so many types and styles of customized electric dining tables, patent protection is relatively difficult, which also provides opportunities for imitators. Each year's international and domestic exhibitions become a classroom for imitators. As long as the new products developed by enterprises with huge investment are recognized by the market, they will be rapidly industrialized and large-scale production. Good products are often short-lived.
Previously, the life cycle of a best-selling product was 2 to 3 years, but now it has been shortened to less than half a year. The homogenization of the market has made many large enterprises miserable. In the tens of thousands of square meters of customized electric dining tables, consumers are dazzled by customized electric dining tables of the same style, color, material and price. The homogenized market is eager for a good recipe for differentiation.
2)定制电动餐台设计应从产品设计走向企业设计 定制电动餐台作为走进家庭,贴近生活的te殊商品,必然在现代生活潮流中扮演个性化角色。个性化的塑造和情感化的培育离不开;设计;。
2) The design of customized electric dining table should move from product design to enterprise design. As a special product entering the family and close to life, customized electric dining table must play a personalized role in the trend of modern life. Individualized shaping and emotional cultivation are inseparable; Design;.
All kinds of designers have stepped onto the stage of customized electric dining table, and customized electric dining table enterprises have waved to talents from foreign countries and design colleges. The talents in product design, customized electric dining table exhibition hall design, customized electric dining table layout design, product image and corporate image design will become the shortage of talents in the customized electric dining table industry. The customized electric dining table industry is slowly moving from designing products and designing stores to a higher level of design life.
e people is quietly changing