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酒店家具餐桌设计 酒店家具的保养方法-佛山岚

酒店家具餐桌设计  酒店家具的保养方法-佛山岚

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酒店家具餐桌设计 酒店家具的保养方法-佛山岚配置参数

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酒店家具餐桌设计 酒店家具的保养方法-佛山岚详细说明

酒店家具餐桌设计  酒店家具的保养方法-佛山岚慧家具有限公司
Maintenance Methods for Hotel Furniture Mattresses - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd

酒店家具床垫的保养方法作为酒店家具床垫,因为常常都不是相同的人躺卧,所以酒店床垫的保养尤为重要,大致有6个方面需要注意的:❶、 定期翻转。酒店家具床垫在购买使用的年,每二至三个月正反、
As a hotel furniture mattress, the maintenance of hotel mattresses is particularly important because they often do not lie down with the same person. There are generally six aspects to pay attention to: Regularly flip. Hotel furniture mattresses are purchased and used every two to three months
左右或头脚翻转一次,使床垫的弹簧受力平均,之后约每半年翻转一次即可。❷、 使用时去掉塑料包装袋
Flip left and right or head and feet once to evenly distribute the force on the springs of the mattress, and then flip about once every six months&# 10103 Remove plastic packaging bags when using

,以保持酒店家具床垫通风干爽,避免床垫受潮。切勿让床垫曝晒过久,使面料褪色。❸、 用质量较好的床单,不仅要吸汗,还要能保持布面干净。
To maintain the ventilation and dryness of hotel furniture mattresses and prevent them from getting damp. Do not expose the mattress to excessive sunlight, which may cause the fabric to fade&# 10104 Using high-quality bed sheets not only wicks sweat, but also keeps the fabric clean.
&#10105 Keep the mattress clean and vacuum it regularly, but do not wash it directly with water or cleaning agents&# 10106 Try to remind tenants not to jump on the bed as much as possible to avoid single point stress that may damage the spring&# 10107

If you accidentally spill tea or coffee or other beverages on the bed, you should immediately use a towel or toilet paper to vigorously dry them under heavy pressure, and then use a hair dryer to blow them dry. When hotel furniture and mattresses are contaminated with dirt, they can be cleaned with soap and water. Do not use strong acid or alkaline cleaning agents to avoid fading and damage to the hotel mattresses.

买酒店家具餐桌设计 酒店家具的保养方法-佛山岚的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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