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佛山岚慧酒店家具厂家 如何鉴别酒店家具质量

佛山岚慧酒店家具厂家   如何鉴别酒店家具质量

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佛山岚慧酒店家具厂家 如何鉴别酒店家具质量详细说明

佛山岚慧酒店家具厂家   如何鉴别酒店家具质量-佛山家具有限公司
How does the furniture manufacturer of Foshan Lanhui Hotel distinguish the quality of hotel furniture- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Identify the quality of hotel furniture:
1. Pay attention to whether there are birch grooves on the hotel furniture frame structure and whether it is tightly glued.
Don't pay attention to any broken birch or material. For the interior of the concealed drawer, it is necessary to check whether there is a birch groove in the drawer structure, whether the birch groove is applied with glue, and whether the drawer top and the end cap are connected with nails. Before buying the sofa, it is necessary to observe from the bottom of the sofa seat. If the frame is only a nail structure, no birch holes are opened, and no glue is applied, it will become loose and deformed after a long time.
2. Be wary of concealing the truth. The leather surface of the artificial leather sofa does not feel comfortable to the hand, either thin, soft, wet and cool, or thick, dry and hard, with low glossiness; The leather sofa is delicate and flexible, with good hand comfort. Upon closer inspection, the leather lines have a clear direction and a high glossiness. When purchasing solid wood furniture, one should not only look at the surface wood grain, but also be careful to mix and match the veneered furniture. As long as you observe carefully and compare the edges and directions of the patterns on the edges or back of the veneered furniture, you can discover the subtle traces of the veneered furniture.
3. The level of craftsmanship is a key factor in distinguishing the quality of hotel furniture. For example, when purchasing a sofa mattress, first observe whether the appearance quality is pleasant; Secondly, check the degree of straight bending of the dental floss on the outer edge of the wrapping cloth to see if there are any jumpers; Once again, take a look inside to see if the masking material used is old fabric and dirty leather.
4. Identify shoddy workmanship and materials. For example, some hotel furniture uses medium density Flat noodles and particle board as load-bearing parts. Some hotel furniture does not require a baffle or strip to fix the back of the dressing mirror, but only uses nails as support pins, which is very unstable.
5. Check the dryness of the wood inside the hotel furniture by feeling it. By this, the moisture content of wood can be distinguished. Note that wood without drying treatment has a high moisture content, and furniture is prone to deformation and deformation.

买佛山岚慧酒店家具厂家 如何鉴别酒店家具质量的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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