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宴会15人电动圆桌椅尺寸 电动转盘餐桌

宴会15人电动圆桌椅尺寸  电动转盘餐桌

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宴会15人电动圆桌椅尺寸 电动转盘餐桌详细说明

宴会15人电动圆桌椅尺寸  电动转盘餐桌

How to properly clean hotel furniture? In daily life, cleaners often need to clean and maintain hotel furniture to keep it shiny.
But you may not know that some incorrect cleaning and maintenance methods, although Zheshi can make hotel furniture clean, actually cause potential damage to hotel furniture. With the increase of usage time, hotel furniture will have irreparable problems.
抹布干净  对酒店家具进行清洁保养时,一定先要确定所用的抹布是否干净·当清沽或拭去灰尘之后,一定要翻而或者换一块千净的抹布再使用。不要偷懒而一再重复使用已经弄脏的那一面,这样只会使污物反复在酒店家具表而摩擦,反而会损坏酒店家具的亮光表层。
When cleaning and maintaining hotel furniture with a clean cloth, it is important to first determine whether the cloth used is clean· After cleaning or wiping off dust, be sure to turn it over or replace it with a clean cloth before use. Don't be lazy and reuse the dirty side repeatedly, as this will only cause the dirt to rub against the hotel furniture surface repeatedly and damage the shiny surface of the hotel furniture.

选对护理剂  想要维持酒店家具原有的亮度,日前有酒店家具护理喷蜡和清洁保养剂两种酒店家具保养品。前者主要针对各种木质、聚酷、油漆、防火胶板等材质的酒店家具,并有茉莉和柠檬两种不同的清新香味·后者活用于各种木制、玻璃、合成木或美耐板等材质的酒店家具,00别适用混合材质的酒店家具·因此,若能使用兼具清沽、护理效果的保养品,便能节省许多宝贵的时间。
Choosing the right care agent to maintain the original brightness of hotel furniture, there are currently two types of hotel furniture care products: hotel furniture care spray wax and cleaning and maintenance agent. The former mainly targets hotel furniture made of various materials such as wood, Juku, paint, and fire-resistant plywood, and has two different fresh fragrances of jasmine and lemon· The latter is mainly used for hotel furniture made of various materials such as wood, glass, synthetic wood, or melamine board, and is suitable for mixed material hotel furniture; Therefore, if you can use maintenance products that have both cleaning and care effects, you can save a lot of valuable time.

Before using the care spray wax and cleaning maintenance agent, shake them well, and then hold the spray can at a 45 degree angle, so that the liquid components in the can can be completely released without losing pressure. Afterwards, gently spray a dry cloth at a distance of about 15 centimeters, and then wipe the furniture again to achieve a good cleaning and maintenance effect.
In addition, after using the cloth, be sure to wash and air dry it· As for hotel furniture with fabric materials, such as fabric sofas and leisure cushions, carpet cleaning and maintenance agents can be used. When using, first use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust, and then spray a small amount of carpet cleaner onto a damp cloth to wipe it off.

买宴会15人电动圆桌椅尺寸 电动转盘餐桌的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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