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实木电动餐桌结构图 24人电动实木大圆桌

实木电动餐桌结构图  24人电动实木大圆桌

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实木电动餐桌结构图 24人电动实木大圆桌详细说明

实木电动餐桌结构图  24人电动实木大圆桌
Solid wood electric dining table structure diagram What material is good for log electric dining table?
In daily life, the hobbies and tastes of the householder can often be reflected in the electric dining table. At present, there are many kinds of electric dining table materials on the market. Among them, the solid wood electric dining table structure drawing has been praised by many owners. So today, I want to share with you what is the good material of the solid wood electric dining table structure drawing and the advantages of the solid wood electric dining table structure drawing.
1、 What is the best material for solid wood electric dining table
1.白橡木    白橡木一般用于欧式电动餐台中使用,白橡木的产地有很多,马来西亚、印尼、韩国都有,马来西亚的稍差,韩国的好,好的木头一般都是出产在寒冷的地方。
1. White oak White oak is generally used in European electric dining tables. There are many origins of white oak, including Malaysia, Indonesia and South Korea. Malaysia is slightly worse, South Korea is good, and good wood is generally produced in cold places.
2.水曲柳   水曲柳是一种常见的木材,它的材质稍微硬一些,大的te点是:木纹清晰、耐腐、耐水性能好,易加工,韧性大,着色性能好,有良好的装饰性等。
2. Fraxinus mandshurica is a kind of common wood. Its material is slightly hard. The big te points are: clear grain, good corrosion resistance, good water resistance, easy processing, strong toughness, good coloring performance, good decoration, etc.
3.香樟木   香樟木具有强烈的香味,因为里面含樟脑等挥发性油,因此国内有些电动餐桌的背板就会使用香樟木来制作,并具有很好的防蚊效果,就是味道比较重。
3. Cinnamomum camphora has a strong fragrance, because it contains volatile oil such as camphor, so the back plate of some electric dining tables in China will be made of Cinnamomum camphora, which has a good anti-mosquito effect, but has a strong taste.
4.樱桃木   樱桃木的色采均匀,纹理清晰,结构细而均匀,属于比较有档次的电动餐台材料之一,它唯一不好的就是木色太深偏红,一般比较适合中式电动餐台的使用,但这种材质的电动餐台做工非常好。
4. Cherry wood Cherry wood has uniform color, clear texture, fine and uniform structure. It belongs to one of the high-grade electric dining table materials. The only bad thing about it is that the wood color is too dark and red, which is generally suitable for the use of Chinese-style electric dining table, but the electric dining table made of this material is very good.
5.松木   松木有一股很好闻的松香味,但质地比较软,是实木电动餐台中比较便宜的一种,优质的芬兰松木纹理,非常适合用来做儿童电动餐台。
5. Pine pine has a nice smell of pine, but its texture is relatively soft. It is a cheaper kind of solid wood electric dining table. The high-quality Finnish pine texture is very suitable for making children's electric dining table.

买实木电动餐桌结构图 24人电动实木大圆桌的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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