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12人餐桌包间面积 智能餐桌多少钱一台

12人餐桌包间面积  智能餐桌多少钱一台

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12人餐桌包间面积 智能餐桌多少钱一台详细说明

12人餐桌包间面积  智能餐桌多少钱一台
(1)材质区别  酒店家具比民用家具使用损坏要多,客人层次不同,对家具爱护观念也不一致,
(1) The difference in material quality is that hotel furniture is more damaged than civilian furniture, and customers have different levels of care and values for furniture,
因此材质要求有很大的区别:  酒店家具适宜用高硬度,耐磨,抗划性好的饰而家具、客房茶几、写字台等,客人往往会在此抽烟,不小心会烫伤家具表而,设计上要尽量考虑台面的防火性能,可用具有防火性能的饰而材料或玻璃;而民用家具一般不需为此考虑。圈椅而料要考虑阻燃,
Therefore, there are significant differences in material requirements: hotel furniture is suitable for decoration with high hardness, wear resistance, and good scratch resistance. Furniture, guest room coffee tables, writing desks, etc. Guests often smoke here, and accidentally burn the furniture surface. In design, it is necessary to consider the fire resistance of the countertop as much as possible, and decorative materials or glass with fire resistance can be used; Civil furniture generally does not need to be considered for this purpose. The material for the circular chair should consider flame retardancy,
And civilian furniture does not need to consider that the waterproof and moisture-proof performance of hotel furniture is better; The bathrooms in hotels are mostly located with the guest rooms, and are affected by wet towels, steam, seasonal changes, etc., which can cause furniture deformation, edge peeling, mold, etc., affecting the appearance of the furniture, damaging the hotel's image, and directly affecting the hotel's occupancy rate; Civil furniture is relatively low.
〔2)保养区别  洒店家具保养难比民用的要大许多,因为酒店家具跟洗浴区是连为一休的,所以比较容易潮湿,而民用家具则不同,是自己的家具,家庭成员都会相对珍惜。
(2) Maintenance Differences: It is much more difficult to maintain furniture in a sprinkler shop than in a residential area, as hotel furniture is connected to the bathroom area, making it more prone to dampness. However, residential furniture is different as it is one's own furniture, and family members will cherish it relatively.

买12人餐桌包间面积 智能餐桌多少钱一台的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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