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合肥电动餐桌 高端酒店家具定制与传统民用家具

合肥电动餐桌 高端酒店家具定制与传统民用家具

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合肥电动餐桌 高端酒店家具定制与传统民用家具详细说明

合肥电动餐桌 高端酒店家具定制与传统民用家具的区别-佛山岚慧家具有限公司
The difference between high-end hotel furniture customization and traditional civilian furniture - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
The difference between high-end hotel furniture customization and traditional civilian furniture: To be honest, this title is quite large and cannot be clearly explained through simple comparison. It covers various factors such as craftsmanship, materials, design, aesthetics, consumer subjects, and so on. In order to write this article well, I also conducted a lot of research and investigation (which is also the reason why I have not been able to fulfill it with everyone),
Coincidentally, there are two friends who need to purchase furniture for the renovation of their new house. They came to me with this" Professionals; I am helping to advise, but as I gradually deepen my understanding, I have found that even if the same furniture has different emphasis in the eyes of hotel furniture manufacturers and civilian furniture manufacturers, I do not intend to analyze these differences from a professional perspective. Instead, I want to tell everyone the facts I have seen as an ordinary consumer. Traditional civilian furniture
酒店客房图片  民用家具图片  1.材料的运用  首先酒店家具设计感更强烈一些,所涉及的材料种类相对更多也更加的全面。而民用家具厂家更多的考虑到生产成本、运输仓储等环节相对材料较为简单,而新产品的研发又需大量的人力、物力的投入,
Hotel room pictures and civilian furniture pictures 1. The use of materials. Firstly, the design of hotel furniture has a stronger sense, and the types of materials involved are relatively more diverse and comprehensive. Civil furniture manufacturers are more concerned about the relatively simple production costs, transportation and warehousing processes compared to materials, while the development of new products requires a large amount of manpower and material investment,
括各种材料的属性测试,家具成品测试等等。国内目前真正00立具备研发能力的民用企业实在少之又少。  目前国内市场上高端酒店家具中所运用的主材实木为桦木,实木贴皮的基材多为中密度板和多层板。而大部分民用家具所用的主材为刨花板或者现在所谓的免漆板即三聚氰胺板。  关于这几种板材的好坏优劣请各位看官自行网上搜索便能一目了然。  中密度板  刨花板  免漆板  多层板
Including property testing of various materials, testing of finished furniture products, and so on. At present, there are very few civil enterprises in China that truly have research and development capabilities. At present, the main material used in high-end hotel furniture in the domestic market is birch wood, and the substrate for solid wood veneer is mostly medium density board and multi-layer board. The main material used for most civil furniture is particle board or now the so-called paint free board, namely melamine board. Please search online for the pros and cons of these types of boards and you will be able to easily understand them. MDF particle board paint free multilayer board
2.工艺差异    酒店家具椅子白坯 民用家具椅子白坯   酒店家具沙发框架  民用家具沙发框架  通过上图的简单对比相信各位读者不难看出高端酒店家具定制和传统民用家具在工艺结构上的区别。
2. Technological Differences: Hotel Furniture Chairs, White Civil Furniture Chairs, White Hotel Furniture Sofa Frames, Civil Furniture Sofa Frames. Through the simple comparison in the above figure, it is believed that readers can easily see the differences in the technological structure between high-end hotel furniture customization and traditional civil furniture.
总结:酒店家具基本都是属于定制型的,所有用材用料相对较为考究,能够满足消费者的个性化需求,而且相对使用寿命也远远大于市场上的民用家具,所以成本并不算低廉,在此请各位依据各自的购买力,量力而行!  备注:本文所指民用家具不含红木类家具。
Summary: Hotel furniture is generally custom-made, and all materials are relatively exquisite, which can meet the personalized needs of consumers. Moreover, the relative service life is much longer than that of civilian furniture in the market, so the cost is not cheap. Please follow your own purchasing power and act according to your own abilities! Note: The civil furniture referred to in this article does not include mahogany furniture.

买合肥电动餐桌 高端酒店家具定制与传统民用家具的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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