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Furniture selection in Foshan hotels is a must see experience- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Lt

佛山酒店家具的投资在酒店总体投资中占据10%以上,家具的选择不仅仅要考虑美观,还要考虑材质的环保、耐用以及客人使用的功能需求等。   佛山酒店家具采购中需要遵循以下6个原则。
The investment in Foshan hotel furniture accounts for more than 10% of the overall hotel investment. The selection of furniture should not only consider aesthetics, but also the environmental protection and durability of the materials, as well as the functional needs of guests. The following 6 principles need to be followed in furniture procurement for Foshan hotels.
款式合适  酒店中的家具是为客户提供服务的物质载体,家具的个性和样式应与酒店整体风格相符,避免整体简单装修配套豪华家具,或整体豪华装饰配套低档家具;同样应该考虑客人的喜爱和消费观念,要符合客人的审美和品位,功能为先。
Furniture in hotels with appropriate styles is the material carrier for providing services to customers. The personality and style of furniture should be consistent with the overall style of the hotel, avoiding simple decoration and supporting luxury furniture, or overall luxury decoration and supporting low-end furniture; We should also consider the customer's love and consumption concept, in line with their aesthetic and taste, and prioritize functionality.
一次性投资和折旧率  酒店开业时,一次性投入较大,所以在购买家具时,务必考虑总体预算。在保证符合总体预算的前提下,要考虑家具的折旧,寿命周期,要尽可能选择耐用,结实,折旧率低的家具。  环保原则  酒店中的家具,在选材时,一定要首先考虑环保原则。
One time investment and depreciation rate When a hotel opens, the one-time investment is relatively large, so when purchasing furniture, it is important to consider the overall budget. On the premise of ensuring compliance with the overall budget, it is necessary to consider the depreciation and life cycle of furniture, and choose furniture that is durable, sturdy, and has a low depreciation rate as much as possible. The principle of environmental protection must be considered first when selecting materials for furniture in hotels.
Particle board, fiberboard, glue and paint all release gases harmful to human body, so try to avoid using these materials. If they are used, they must purchase materials that meet the national quality and safety standards and are less dangerous to human body.
防水防潮、防火、耐高温  酒店客房内,书桌,床头柜等,都是客人随意放置物品的地方,比如水杯,烧水壶等,难免经常会有水的泼出,包括洗手间、餐厅在配置家具时,也要考虑防潮、防污渍的材质。
Waterproof, moisture-proof, fireproof, and heat-resistant hotel rooms, desks, bedside tables, etc. are all places where guests can casually place items, such as water cups, boiling kettles, etc. It is inevitable that water will often spill out. When configuring furniture in restrooms and restaurants, it is also necessary to consider moisture-proof and stain resistant materials.
客房内客人吸烟、使用火柴等会对家具表面形成损伤,严峻的乃至形成火灾,需要家具防火阻燃的效果更好一些。  耐磨经用耐摔  客房内、餐厅、会议室是客人频繁进入的场所,这些场所的家具一定要考虑耐磨、耐摔。
Smoking or using matches by guests in the guest room can cause damage to the surface of furniture, leading to severe and even fire hazards. It is necessary for furniture to have better fire prevention and flame retardancy. Durable and shatter resistant furniture in guest rooms, restaurants, and meeting rooms is a frequent area for guests to enter. It is important to consider the durability and shatter resistance of furniture in these areas.
The above 5 basic principles are what hotels need to follow when purchasing furniture from Foshan hotels. For more details, please pay attention to


联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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