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任何实木电动桌电动餐台都躲不开的伤害 自动旋

任何实木电动桌电动餐台都躲不开的伤害 自动旋

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任何实木电动桌电动餐台都躲不开的伤害 自动旋详细说明

任何实木电动桌电动餐台都躲不开的伤害 自动旋转餐桌
Any solid wood electric table or electric dining table cannot avoid harm
As the saying goes, no matter how good your skills are, you are afraid of the kitchen knife. The solid wood electric dining table, which has always been known for its environmental protection and quality, is the choice of many fashionable people nowadays. However, over time, the solid wood electric dining table will inevitably have paint peeling, cracks and deformation. Today, the editor of Yue Lingfeng Electric Dining Table Factory will tell you how to save these damaged solid wood electric dining tables! How to repair holes and cracks in biological injuries?
Wormholes or cracks caused by improper maintenance can be solved by adding water to shredded old newspapers, applying alum to the holes or cracks, smoothing them with gauze after drying, marking them with a color pen, and then applying a layer of transparent oil to solve this problem. How to repair scratches caused by physical injuries?
Solid wood electric table electric dining table is prone to slight scratches during daily life, so use a colored pen in the same color as the electric dining table to draw it, and then use a transparent finger to buy oil and apply it to repair it.
1电动餐台粘上油污? 残茶是好的清洁剂,抹后,再喷洒少量的玉米粉进行抹拭,后将玉米粉抹净即可。玉米粉能吸收所有吸附在电动餐台表面的脏物,使漆面光滑明亮。 
Is there oil stains on the electric dining table? Residual tea is a good cleaner. After wiping, spray a small amount of corn flour to wipe, and then wipe the corn flour clean. Corn flour can absorb all the dirt adsorbed on the surface of the electric dining table, making the paint smooth and bright.
2如何去除水迹? 用干净的吸水纸铺在水迹上,用加热熨斗重压在上面,也可用沙拉油、牙膏涂抹,过后将之擦干、上蜡。
How to remove water stains? Spread clean absorbent paper on the water stain, press it onto it with a heated iron, or apply it with salad oil or toothpaste, then dry and wax it.
3如何去除白印? 用布沾有烟灰与柠檬汁或色拉油的混和物涂抹,擦干后上蜡。 
How to remove white marks? Apply a mixture of cigarette ash and lemon juice or salad oil on a cloth, dry it, and then wax it.

买任何实木电动桌电动餐台都躲不开的伤害 自动旋的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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