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多功能餐桌效果图 佛山酒店家具选购过程中三条

多功能餐桌效果图 佛山酒店家具选购过程中三条

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多功能餐桌效果图 佛山酒店家具选购过程中三条详细说明

多功能餐桌效果图 佛山酒店家具选购过程中三条建议-佛山岚慧家具有限公司
Lanhui Furniture tells you three suggestions for furniture selection in Foshan hotels - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
随着社会的不断发展我们的追求页逐步发生了变化,别是我们可以看到这个大的就酒店,在这酒店家具方面的要求及布局到底有多高?  酒店家具展示效果图 因此我们在选择酒店家具的时候有应该注意那些方面的知识呢?今天佛山岚慧家具就来告诉你关于佛山酒店家具选购注意那三方面的事项:
With the continuous development of society, our pursuit page has gradually changed. Especially when we can see this large hotel, how high are the requirements and layout in terms of hotel furniture? What aspects of knowledge should we pay attention to when choosing hotel furniture display renderings? Today, Foshan Lanhui Furniture will tell you about the three things to pay attention to when choosing furniture for hotels in Foshan:
选购注意点: 一、含水量 酒店家具的含水量不能超过12%。木质酒店家具吸水后会滋生菌落,进一步氧化,从而影响使用和减少寿命。此外还要检测其吸水性,别是南方城市,这很重要。(这个主要是针对我们的木质酒店家具的耐久与使用性质来考虑的,也是参考项里比较重要的一条)
Points to note when purchasing: Firstly, the moisture content of hotel furniture should not exceed 12%. Wooden hotel furniture, after absorbing water, will breed colonies and further oxidize, thereby affecting its use and reducing its lifespan. In addition, it is important to test its water absorption, especially in southern cities. (This is mainly considered for the durability and usability of our wooden hotel furniture, and is also an important reference item.)
二、造型结构 酒店家具的选购在在造型与结构上面是非常重要的,因为这是一个酒店为吸引顾客与对酒店的实际感受;所以酒店家具的构造必须坚固造型页需要符合我们消费客户的需求。 椅、凳、酒店专用那些晾衣服的架子等在选择时候可以在磨砂纸上划一划,摔一摔,声音清脆就可以说明质量较好;如果声音不好听而且带有杂音,说明榫眼结合质量低,而且结构不牢。
2、 The selection of hotel furniture in terms of design and structure is very important, as it is a hotel's goal to attract customers and provide a practical experience of the hotel; So the construction of hotel furniture must be sturdy, and the design page must meet the needs of our consumer customers. Chairs, stools, and hotel specific racks for hanging clothes can be selected with a scratch on frosted paper, and a crisp sound when dropped can indicate good quality; If the sound is unpleasant and contains noise, it indicates that the quality of the tenon joint is low and the structure is not firm.
酒店家具 三、材料选择范围 我们都知道酒店家具制造材料也是有许多种,这就会导致出产品的性不一样;所以我们在为酒店家具选购时后,我们得需要注意的方面: (1、)在酒店家具选购前发现有虫眼、这是材料烘干过程出现问题所导致。此外,还要检查酒店家具内部是否有腐朽,掐一掐就可以,掐进去了那质量只能说堪忧了。后监测其化学用料是否对人体产生危害。
Hotel furniture 3. Material selection range. As we all know, there are many types of materials used in hotel furniture manufacturing, which can lead to different product properties; So when choosing hotel furniture, we need to pay attention to the following aspects: (1) Before purchasing hotel furniture, we found insect holes, which are caused by problems in the material drying process. In addition, it is necessary to check whether there is any decay inside the hotel furniture. Just pinch it, and if it gets stuck, the quality can only be considered worrying. Afterwards, monitor whether the chemical materials used are harmful to human health.
(2、)酒店家具的构成和用料都需要有个合符规范的范围!当然不同的酒店家具,表面用料也天差地别。如柜、椅、桌的的支撑部位,选择材质比较硬的材料会比较结实,所承受的重量可以说是杠杠的,内部材料虽然说不需要有太大的要求,但是在其耐用性也要合格,甚至要经过防蛀处理。 我们通过前面的信息可以很明确的发现,我们在选购酒店家具的时候需要明确自己的需求及酒店的主题与客户体验的一些综合知识,然后加上专业的酒店家具知识。 佛山岚慧家具有限公司主要定做生产酒店宾馆客房配套家具,床箱/床架、套装门、软硬包床屏、手工床垫、各类椅子、电视柜、茶几、行李柜、墙体软包、固装家具、布艺沙发、皮革沙发、窗帘等。联系电话:023-68871868
(2) The composition and materials of hotel furniture need to have a range that meets the standards! Of course, different hotel furniture also have vastly different surface materials. For the supporting parts of cabinets, chairs, and tables, choosing materials that are relatively hard will be more sturdy, and the weight they can bear can be said to be that of a bar. Although the internal materials do not require too much, their durability must also be qualified, and even undergo anti decay treatment. We can clearly see from the previous information that when choosing hotel furniture, we need to clarify our own needs, the theme of the hotel, and some comprehensive knowledge of customer experience, and then add professional knowledge of hotel furniture. Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd. mainly customizes and produces hotel room supporting furniture, including bed boxes/frames, set doors, soft and hard bed screens, handmade mattresses, various chairs, TV cabinets, coffee tables, luggage cabinets, wall soft bags, fixed furniture, fabric sofas, leather sofas, window curtains, etc. Contact number: 023-68871868

买多功能餐桌效果图 佛山酒店家具选购过程中三条的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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