实木电动餐桌定做要多久 未来酒店家具的设计主详细说明
实木电动餐桌定做要多久 未来酒店家具的设计主流会是怎样?-佛山岚慧家具有限公司
What will be the mainstream design of hotel furniture in the future- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
What is the mainstream direction of future hotel furniture design? And where will hotel furniture designers start to refine their products? According to the report "Changes in Furniture Culture and Art Exhibition from Europe" published by the International Institute of Social Arts of the European Community, hotel furniture design will develop in the following areas in the future: private customization, individuality, renewal, excitement, safety, and comfort.
Private customization: With the continuous development of society, people's quality of life is constantly improving, and their requirements for their own lives are also constantly increasing. The hotel furniture and even the furniture industry will have personalized private customization. According to personal preferences or the personalized requirements of the hotel, private customization is needed. This is the era we are about to enter.
Personality: With the changes of our times, our ideological pages have gradually become avant-garde and unimaginable. Our needs in hotels and guesthouses will require a home like experience, which reflects our different personality needs. A double bed can also be split in half, the height of the kitchen countertop can be divided into male and female styles, and the bookshelf or bookshelf inner layer is more personalized. Hotel furniture updates: With our accumulation and recognition of the world and knowledge, we will not casually dispose of or sell old hotel furniture like we did in the 1980s and 1990s; Many hotels will update or combine hotel furniture to present different styles and improve the quality and color of hotel furniture.

刺激:快节奏的都市生活,让我们多少都有点麻木,而我们需要的是来自某一视觉或者感觉心灵上的刺激。在酒店的家具设计与灯光相关、、整体布局都会给我们一个清晰的刺激与情感插入。能够给我们带来感谢与心灵上的效果传递。安全:安全问题是我们随时都在注意、思考的问题,在未来酒店家具的设计与制造中对于安全的考虑也是重中之重;不仅环保,更能防火、保温和持久耐用。舒适:对于未来的人来说,舒适与享受也许是一个社会的主题,我们不再求某种精神上的要求,而是心灵与生理的舒适, 人们不再像以前喜欢红木酒店家具那样注重家具的保值。酒店家具对于人们首要思考就是舒适感,而针对这一切的变化将会用科学技术去解决。
Stimulus: The fast-paced urban life makes us somewhat numb, and what we need is stimulation from a certain visual or sensory perspective. The furniture design, lighting, and overall layout of the hotel will provide us with a clear stimulation and emotional insertion. Can bring us gratitude and convey spiritual effects. Safety: Safety is a concern that we are always paying attention to and considering, and safety considerations are also of utmost importance in the design and manufacturing of hotel furniture in the future; Not only environmentally friendly, but also fire resistant, insulated, and durable. Comfort: For future people, comfort and enjoyment may be a social theme. We no longer seek certain spiritual requirements, but rather spiritual and physiological comfort. People no longer pay attention to the preservation of furniture as they used to like rosewood hotel furniture. The primary concern for hotel furniture is comfort, and scientific and technological solutions will be used to address all these changes.